EMT-B says "I'm a medic"

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Handsome Robb

Premium Member
Nevada uses I's. :)


Forum Deputy Chief


Source required that only MA uses intermediates.
Reason required on why it matters.
Also, isn't any level between EMT and paramedic an intermediate level, regardless of the specific nomenclature used?
Bstone, also, how can you be an EMT-I in NH if only MA uses intermediates?


Forum Chief
Source required that only MA uses intermediates.
Reason required on why it matters.
Also, isn't any level between EMT and paramedic an intermediate level, regardless of the specific nomenclature used?
Bstone, also, how can you be an EMT-I in NH if only MA uses intermediates?

I'm quite sure he's being facetious.


Forum Deputy Chief
Source required that only MA uses intermediates.
Reason required on why it matters.
Also, isn't any level between EMT and paramedic an intermediate level, regardless of the specific nomenclature used?
Bstone, also, how can you be an EMT-I in NH if only MA uses intermediates?

I guess that NH EMT-Intermediate license that says "EMT-Intermediate" is wrong. I guess.


The Truth Provider


Forum Deputy Chief
I get it, I was wrong. Do you train in Cambridge as a Medic? If so, I got that information from YOUR instructor.

I am not certified/licensed in MA. If I was I would put that in my signature. I have never taken an EMS class in MA. I took my Basic in 2002 in Illinois and my Intermediate in 2006 in Manchester, NH. I don't know any of the EMS instructors in Cambridge/Boston.


Community Leader Emeritus
I see a lot of feathers being ruffled by this. Why? Is your self esteem and ego's so deflated by one person's possible fabrication? Seriously.... ask yourself why this is even YOUR problem??? I am proud to be an EMT basic, and married to a Flight Paramedic who has every letter behind his name including a Masters Degree, soon to be pursuing his doctorate. He and I laughed at all the comments by Advanced EMT's and Paramedics on here. Seriously.... was it really worth putting him in his place, are you his medical director? When my hubby and I have come across an accident or someone in medical distress when we are off duty, he doesn't explain he is a Flight, Trauma, Remote, Tactical, Critical Care paramedic, with pals, ACLS, etc, he says my wife and I are MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS would you like some assistance? He doesn't refer to me as a basic, nor does he laud his hard earned credentials. If we are at a social gathering and someone pipes in and says they are a "medic" we don't scrutinize them to make them prove their point. Obviously if someone feels the need to push that nomer out there, they want some kind of recognition. Lord knows the public does not give EMS enough. Firefighters and Police Officers are usually lauded a lot more than EMS workers are. Prime example is the 9/11 aftermath. A lot of good EMS workers lost their lives, yet the public did not do the fanfare and hoopla over them as they did NYPD's and NYFD's finest got. I am not trying to downplay what they did, by any means, and no disrespect. But my point is, we are far more worse things to get worked up about than whether someone calls themselves a medic. My hubby and I both joke around and call eachother "Ditch Doctors" although we are not physicians. So is someone going to blast me for calling myself a "doctor". Bring it on lol....my skin is thicker than an elephants hide. I just felt like this guy was definitely feeling like he needed some recognition for whatever reason and wanted to feel important. Instead of being a "nice" guy to him, to be honest you sounded like more of a moron than he did by making him look bad in front of people. There is nothing worse than someone who likes and takes pleasure in making someone else look bad in front of others. All I can say is...maybe next time instead of worrying about your own ego, find out why this guy is obviously feeling like he needs to be center of attention. I am willing to bet he has something going on in his life that he was asking for help. But sometimes as EMS providers we get so jaded, we forget that our own brothers and sisters in EMS can cry for help. Just some food for thought. I will go back to lurking now. Just wanted to share how I felt after reading all 6 pages of this. Also thank you to all those who stood up for the Basic. At least you recognized there was more than just someone "boasting".

Ok, I'll bite.

In at least 2 states it is illegal for a medical professional to pass themselves off as a higher level of care. An EMT can not wear a patch that says "Paramedic" or "Intermediate" on it unless that is their official state certified level. When rendering care they can not claim to be anything but an EMT.

Yes, I admit that sometimes it is easier to just generalize. But the fact is there is a difference. I don't tell people I'm a nurse just to make explaining what I do easier. There is a reason that the NREMT is taking EMT out from in front of Paramedic.


Forum Ride Along
Sooo bstone is actually an EMT basic as that is the level he is operating at.
If you are working in Chicago as an EMT B, then it definitely was not your place to "dress him down". Seriously did he deflate your ego that bad? Doing all those transports wearing you down so you need to tear someone else down? Seriously, your kind are the ones that give EMS a black eye. The ones with a chip on their shoulder that have something to "prove". OooOoooo you are a Basic Instructor. Boy that really gives you the right to set him right. But who am I to call you out? I am just a "lowly" basic who chose not to go to the Paramedic level because I decided I would rather support my husband to achieve that goal. To be honest, the loser in all this is you. You had an opportunity to help a fellow EMS member out but chose to take a low road rather than a high road. Guess the joke is on you eh?


Forum Knucklehead
Ok, I'll bite.

In at least 2 states it is illegal for a medical professional to pass themselves off as a higher level of care. An EMT can not wear a patch that says "Paramedic" or "Intermediate" on it unless that is their official state certified level. When rendering care they can not claim to be anything but an EMT.

Yes, I admit that sometimes it is easier to just generalize. But the fact is there is a difference. I don't tell people I'm a nurse just to make explaining what I do easier. There is a reason that the NREMT is taking EMT out from in front of Paramedic.

I don't think saying your a medic is misrepresenting yourself. If you said your a paramedic then yes, but just medic is a general term for amy field medical provider


Sooo bstone is actually an EMT basic as that is the level he is operating at.
If you are working in Chicago as an EMT B, then it definitely was not your place to "dress him down". Seriously did he deflate your ego that bad? Doing all those transports wearing you down so you need to tear someone else down? Seriously, your kind are the ones that give EMS a black eye. The ones with a chip on their shoulder that have something to "prove". OooOoooo you are a Basic Instructor. Boy that really gives you the right to set him right. But who am I to call you out? I am just a "lowly" basic who chose not to go to the Paramedic level because I decided I would rather support my husband to achieve that goal. To be honest, the loser in all this is you. You had an opportunity to help a fellow EMS member out but chose to take a low road rather than a high road. Guess the joke is on you eh?

If someone is operating out of their scope of practice, don't EMS providers, as supposed health care professionals, bear some responsibility to protect the public? Similarly, don't we have a responsibility to represent us as what we really are? When will EMS grow up and begin to police their own instead of being technicians who think that anything they can get away with is perfectly fine?


Forum Chief
Why are there 8 pages of response to this?

Do we have nothing more important or even interesting to talk about?


Forum Knucklehead
If someone is operating out of their scope of practice, don't EMS providers, as supposed health care professionals, bear some responsibility to protect the public? Similarly, don't we have a responsibility to represent us as what we really are? When will EMS grow up and begin to police their own instead of being technicians who think that anything they can get away with is perfectly fine?

there is a big difference between acting out of your scope and saying your a medic in a casual conversation.

Here is a guy who is feeling good for taking another brother to task for using a generic term accepted by most providers. Instead of berating the guy in public you deal with it privately like the other professional services do


Forum Crew Member
there is a big difference between acting out of your scope and saying your a medic in a casual conversation.

Here is a guy who is feeling good for taking another brother to task for using a generic term accepted by most providers. Instead of berating the guy in public you deal with it privately like the other professional services do

Except, as the casual conversation was relayed to us, the guy admitted to acting out of his scope.
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Forum Knucklehead
Except, as the casual conversation was relayed to us, the guy admitted to acting out of his scope.

Unless I saw him acting out of scope, I'm not saying anything to another provider, that's a conflict I don't want our need,
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Forum Lieutenant
pass the popcorn please
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