Maryland has an active EMT-I program. I know of an EMT-I class that just finished up and tested NREMT just two or three months ago. Rumor has it Maryland is gonna keep their Intermediate level which they call "Cardiac Rescue Technician" or CRT.
As a native Marylander, they will likely keep the EMT-I for a few reasons, the biggest being Baltimore City Fire Department. They have 10 times the I's than P's, and since the I's in MD can do nearly everything a P can do (they just have more Mother May I) they are a cheaper and easier. They have a lot of county's that run the EMT-I program, Baltimore, Carroll, Howard, and the city, to name a few. However, Maryland has gotten away from paramedic bridge courses and now it's almost impossible to go to paramedic school without going through the community college or UMBC, which is actually great because they come out with a great deal more education. They are required to take A&P, math, English, etc.
They do call the I's "medics" and they are dispatched as such in most counties. My county will dispatch a ambulance as either "ambulance 123," "IV 123," "medic 123," or "paramedic 123" based on the call information.
Most of the I's I have met always refer to themselves as "paramedics" especially my friends in Baltimore City. It used to drive me crazy as a full paramedic. Now I have better things to drive me crazy and I don't worry about it so much.
There will be whackers any where you go. I've noticed that the people that have all the stories and talk about being this or that are generally the least educated people in the group. My friends know I'm a paramedic. If someone asks me what I do for a living, I'll tell them, but I rarely volunteer the information. I hate to tell war stories, and I don't really have any "I'm so awesome I did this on a call" stories either. If I tell a story about a call it's generally to another paramedic, often one with more experience, and it's usually because I need an opinion and I'm trying to learn from them. I discuss calls quite often with my husband because he's been a medic four years long than I have.
Most people I know have pretty high BS detectors and will sniff out a BS artist from a mile away. I wouldn't worry about people that have to toot their own horn too much. In fact, I'd probably feel sorry for them. It's a shame to have to construct a fantasy to make oneself feel important.
One thing I wouldn't have done, and have never done, is spout off the way you did about what I am in an attempt to discredit someone else. It can backfire and actually make you look like the tool.