If the system is so broken why don't you/we fix it?????? what would it take to fix it? I am sure there are many people here that don't want to fix it because I am sure they don't believe that it is broken or just don't want to/cant afford to up grade. But seriously what would it take to fix this system that many don't believe is broken?? This is directed mainly to rid because well you are the who in almost every bls related post has not much to say other then they are in your mind useless. I am paraphrasing sir not putting words in your mouth. I don't disagree this is an objectionable question. Any others feel free to answer but I want educated answers not nonsense.
I am trying to. I work almost weekly with legislative, EMS educators, administrators, EMS medical directors. I speak at conventions attempting all to be aware of the problems.. as many has pointed out are quite unaware or do not have time, money or resources to change things.. and of of course some do not want to change, because salaries would have to increase, increase competition and accountability would occur.
Why fix something, if it is was working to your advantage?
Start at the beginning. Look at your instructor. Do they have a formal degree? Even maybe an associate? Okay.. how about experience? Okay, they became one because it was an easy moonlight job & one only has to take a 40 hour EMS Instructor Course.. Wow!
Amazing, we require little 5 year old Johnny teacher/educator to have a Bachelor's Degree (preferred Master/Graduate) to teach a 5 year old to color within the lines, but to learn about life threatening injuries & illness... A person that attended a 2 week course (150 hours) and then a 1 week instructor course.. Bingo! They can teach! .. Now, think about that.. across the nation, most instructors have not a clue about adult education, very little about emergency medicine.. but they teach it? Worse you believed it!
Levels.. The only reason for multiple levels is an excuse for a Paramedic. Sorry, that is a fact! This level is almost, or can do similar, etc. Yadda, yadda.. B.S. Town & cities do not want to pay for the level, so the state invents titles/excuses. Amazing every nursing home has a RN, every hospital has at least one RN per floor & division.. Amazing they can find the money to pay for that... again unlike EMS, nursing focuses more on patient care and education... how sad. They joined forces with organizations to ensure that their profession will always be in demand, that patients will somehow have access to them. When was the last time you found a volunteer nurse position at a hospital?
Again, it amazes me the arrogance that someone that barely knows the names of the bones in the body, (definitely not the names of the bone markings) that their anatomy course was a whopping 10 pages long.. to determine if a person is ill or not! Then to tell me that know they know when ALS is taking to long, needed, and or even how to perform and treat better!! That they would not even know pancreatitis if it bit them.. and definitely not aware that it is life threatening illness... yet, I am supposed to trust them to screen patients? C'mon what arrogance and how pompous! .. And they call us Paragods? When in fact, the EMT has very tiny amounts of training and assume they are aware of emergency medicine...that is simply dangerous.
We need to place the EMT's for what they are trained for. Medical first responder.. that's it. Sorry the lame excuses of "saving ALS for real stuff" is just that. Seriously, ER's are full with lame stuff all the time, and very often that so called lame is not really lame after all. The cramp in the leg, is diagnosed as a DVT, the nausea & vomiting is really an AMI or undiagnosed DM w/DKA. Then alike what was mentioned, analgesics/pain control. Really, how can someone say they are for patient care when they would allow a patient to suffer in pain? How inhumane! You would actually rather have someone tolerate manipulation of a fracture for splinting and movement while bone ends ripping tissue and nerve endings rather than have someone administer pain control?.. Yep, that is a BLS call.. Ever had a fracture? Wanted something for pain? ..
Again, there is no such thing in medicine as BLS or ALS. It is patient care. Only in EMS did have to invent such terminology because to make things so simple minded. You do not find treating an acute appendicitis, BLS perform this and ALS perform that.. No, you only find to do the following.. period. Again, only in EMS we continue to allow sub-standard care and actually feel good about ourselves.
The mind set has to be increased from the first day of class of what limitations the EMT has, not so much what they can do. The encouragement of wanting to obtain a deeper more involved education to be able to deliver better and more proper care. Something that we are not apparently doing .. or EMT would be just a phase. Nearly everyone would be expanding their education level immediately.
So why do we have so many excuses of not continuing? Simply; because we allow it. Some complain the costs, the time, the what-ever! What other profession (especially medical) costs so little, so little time is involved that can immediately get a job and perform? Why do EMT's feel that they do not need get a student loan, but can seem to find money for l/s for their vehicle? See something here? Even manicurist that rubs and trims toenails goes to school longer than a EMT, more sadly event a beautician that cuts your hair usually goes longer in school that many Paramedics... Now, that's scary!
So what to do?
Join a organization that is promoting EMS and increasing standards.. NAEMT, NEMSE, etc..
Local associations, demand better legislation for funding, increasing reimbursements, and demand increase level of care.. State wide. Instead of attempting to defend yourself recognize that you do not understand the system or patient care enough, but promote and educate yourself to realize there is a problem. (one cannot fix the problems, until one recognizes them)
Quit whining about what you can do and do the right thing. Go back to school and get an education to understand & know what and to how to treat appropriately..Anyone can do it. That is if it is a priority in their life. Don't allow excuses for poor care.. seriously, if you are a humanitarian enough one would not poor care.
Basically get involved!