How about this for the scenario? It was a five year old girl who was pushed off the porch by her 7 year old brother! You automatically assumed something worse.
I've read multiple posts from you, and it seems like you think that everyone who is not the same level of training as you must be an idiot. There are reasons that some of us start out where we do. I can't currently get any advanced training. I am stuck at this level due to the bureaucratic BS that is the military. I fully agree that there should be ALS at all calls, but that doesn't mean that there is no need for basics.
I call BS... If you really wanted training it is available. There is private institutions is there not? You chose to be in the military (which I honor you) but that again was your choice and no one else's. So yes, there is always always o get education and training. It is again, how much sacrifice and desire one wants to pursue to get it.
I worked full time (72 & 96 hr. work week) when I went to Paramedic & Nursing school, and was married with a newborn.. never not worked during school. If I can do it, anyone can... Now, if you want the military to pay for it or it to be a military sanctioned course that is something entirely different... but again, the training and educations is available.
I never called EMT's idiots. People assume that because you describe the facts and challenge to break the myths that has been ingrained in them, you are wrong. Compare advanced first aid courses, even the official medical first responder course curriculum with the EMT Basic level. Now, tell me the difference in a EMT & a MFR. ... Again, as a
medical professional, one needs to understand medicine and the required knowledge in providing care to an acute illness or injured patient. Something they do not teach in the Basic EMT curriculum. Yes, I am
very aware of it..
Again, nothing personal... just the EMT level is not qualified enough, with the current training. Unfortunately, most do not understand that because they again do not understand true medical care.
To your scenario.. your darn right I assume the worse. That is what they pay me for and what I went to school for. Any EMT that does not is worth their weight. You acclaim to be trauma specialist.. so here is one for you. Do you know how to perform a thorough neurological exam on a child? ... What is unique in the neuro test & trauma of a cervical spine in a child < than 7 years old? And why do physicians not even trust X-rays? ... Yes, I assume the worse, I have seen the worse.. You know what they call EMT's that don't?... Defendants...
R/r 911