This seems to have turned into the classic argument. My personal stance is that I believe in the "right to carry", and I do carry off duty. However, I do not feel that my right to carry should extend to my function in an "Official" capacity with an EMS agency. I think this blurs the line between LEO and EMS operations. Furthermore, to be quite frank.... based on many of the EMT and Paramedics I have seen, I would be downright frightened to have one of them carry a gun, as I believe carrying can give someone a false sense of empowerment. The truth is, even in the police academy we were taught to attempt to de-escalate a situation, rather than start blasting away.
Mine is not a "CONSTITUTIONAL" argument, but rather an argument that states it just does not make sense. What happens to the patient we "were" treating, before you decided to shoot the gangbanger outside the door because you felt you were in danger? Now we have folks throwing rocks, shooting at the ambulance, and dragging us out of the box because they are pissed off. Yep, you shot 3 of them before they got the gun out of your hands, and beat you to death, and me 1/2 to death. City hall now has a 5 day protest in front of it, because an EMT shot a civilian while on a call, because he was a drug dealer, and you said you were going to get him off the street, but in actuallity what you said was lets get the PT off the street and into the box. There are no charges filed against the guy who shot us because the city really wants to make this go away as quietly as possible. Me? I can't work now due to my injuries, but we are not getting any benefits from the city because you acted under your "individual" right, not under an official capacity. A review board found that I was guilty of not doing enough to stop you, and worse yet, guilty of gross negligence and abandonment for not treating and protecting the patient we were originally called for, so the State permanently revoked my patch as well.
Granted, that situation is probably a bit of a stretch...but by how much? How easy could it be to wind up in that situation? Oh, I hear you already jumping up and down screaming.... Better fired from work then dead right? Except, you wound up dead anyway?
I figure, if the EMS (MDA) in Israel can manage to treat and transport unarmed, I think we can manage to do it over here. If we get to a point where we are openly attacked by hostile forces, then have no fear partner...I will be riding shotgun with my AK and a pistol on my side... until then, I will leave the guns out of healthcare.