Diagnostic equipment

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What Diagnostic Equipment do EMT, EMT Basic and First Responder personnel need when dispatched to a potential STEMI patient?

Only if that paramedic is allowed to interpret the ECG. If they must listen to the squawk box or transmit the ECG, an EMT-B with a 12-Lead is more than adequate. South Dakota does a great job with this.
What Diagnostic Equipment do EMT, EMT Basic and First Responder personnel need when dispatched to a potential STEMI patient?
Since you don't know if you're dealing with a STEMI patient, you go with what you have. You go with hands, eyes, brains, BP cuff, and stethoscope. And a hugely inquisitive attitude. If you suspect the patient is having an MI (I've seen more than a few of those as a Basic, courtesy of some odd regulations) you need to get the patient to someone that can make a more definitive diagnosis and/or get pointed toward someone that can do actually definitive care. Know which facilities can provide definitive care. Trust me on this: 10 or 15 minutes on the road can save the patient HOURS waiting for a transfer.
I have no clue what it means :wacko:

Esophageal obturator airway...showcased on Emergency! in a few episodes. Basically imagine a wand sticking out of the bowl of a BVM mask that you ram into somebody's gullet.


Cuff in the gullet, mask seals around the mouth...blammo! Poor man's SGA.

Good news is if your service would like to get sued, you can still buy them!
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Esophageal obturator airway...showcased on Emergency! in a few episodes. Basically imagine a wand sticking out of the bowl of a BVM mask that you ram into somebody's gullet.


Cuff in the gullet, mask seals around the mouth...blammo! Poor man's SGA.

Good news is if your service would like to get sued, you can still buy them!

I'm not even that old and I used them.
Esophageal obturator airway...showcased on Emergency! in a few episodes. Basically imagine a wand sticking out of the bowl of a BVM mask that you ram into somebody's gullet.


Cuff in the gullet, mask seals around the mouth...blammo! Poor man's SGA.

Good news is if your service would like to get sued, you can still buy them!


Sadly, ambulances in a particular EMS council in VA were REQUIRED to carry these as recently as 2004....