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Chopper 5 HD video used to clear paramedics
On Friday night, Chopper 5 HD took video of what appeared to be paramedics standing around a victim covered with a yellow sheet. But it turned out, the victim was, in fact, alive.
It was a story that seemed eerily familiar to many in San Antonio.
In 2007, a drunk driver plowed into a Honda Accord on Loop 410.
Two passengers were rushed to the hospital, but passenger Erica Smith was assumed dead, and covered win a yellow sheet.
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On Friday night, Chopper 5 HD took video of what appeared to be paramedics standing around a victim covered with a yellow sheet. But it turned out, the victim was, in fact, alive.
It was a story that seemed eerily familiar to many in San Antonio.
In 2007, a drunk driver plowed into a Honda Accord on Loop 410.
Two passengers were rushed to the hospital, but passenger Erica Smith was assumed dead, and covered win a yellow sheet.
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