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How can these employers paying such atrocious wages expect people to live on them?
Brown had always maintained some 100 hour course wonder wasn't worth more (and from a purely economic standpoint they probably aren't) but then you must consider Brown got paid more (even with conversion) working at McDonalds, and at one job that required about 100 hours of training which involved little responsibility sitting at a desk paid a salary of almost NZD40,000.
Is it they simply don't want to pay more so can choose not too because nobody is organised enough to demand more or is it because they can't afford to for lack of income? Brown remembers Medicaid pays about 10c on the dollar, not sure about the insurance companies.
multiple factors, from the requirement of little education to the high number of EMT-B/Ps in the work force. One thing I have noticed is that a large availability of EMTs will bring wages down, but a shortage hardly brings wages up. You could also claim that EMS is abused and doesn't get paid on a large amount of its transports. Its a combination of things along with the fact that our employers in EMS just don't care- we are meat with a patch. They find every little reason to not give us a pay raise at work. They work us long unforgiving hours. Then once we hit a high amount of hours to make our pay a little more comfortable, the government hits up with taxes because of the volume of work we've done

EMS is getting recognition of being in the top 10 worst fields to work in, and top 10 worst paying. Time for an overhaul? hmmm....