Are EMS providers hated?

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Do you really believe that EMS providers are “hated”?
@Fastfrankie19151 why would you think EMS providers are hated? I've worked in some of the worst and most dangerous cities in the US, and while my time in these areas is likely over, I have never felt hated. I've picked up gang members, criminals, family members of the cities gang leaders, and I have never, ever felt like I was hated. If nothing else, I have felt that they liked us, because when they did something stupid (got shot, had a medical emergency etc), we would come in and make sure they didn't die on the way to the hospital. We show up, and the panic they are experiencing lowers a bit.

I would go as far to say that in many crappy cities, EMS is as liked as the FD by the general public (although paid much less by the city administration). And everyone hates the police, until you are the victim and are calling for the police.

Now, are there people who don't give a damn about us, and would just as likely try to kill you as they would kill someone else on the street? absolutely. Do EMS personnel get attacked by EDPs, drunks and people under the influence? definitely. But the vast majority of people don't hate us, especially if they are calling us during an emergency.
The Grim Reaper /s
I could see people hating EMS because of how much people have to pay in terms of bills for the use of an ambulance.

Seriously though, I’ve never felt “hated” by the public. I’d like to hear the OP’s reasoning though.
This made me LOL hard.

I like to think your taking a jab at the “race the reaper” types and not one of them.
Yes I’m taking a jab at them.
Might haven given it a little context?
If someone clicks on the quote in your first post it will take them to the post and thread that prompted your question. Didn't want to pull that post out of the thread it was in because it belongs there.
I'm a firefighter paramedic so naturally this forum hates me...

But seriously, I don't think theres a hatred for EMS but more of an increased danger in todays day and age. Whackos have been around since the dawn of man, I don't think its directed towards fire and EMS.
Idk if people hate EMS or Paramedics..

But if anything they're easily forgotten, lost in the shuffle behind Fire and Police.

Doesn't help when there's lots of ambulances run by FDs, and lots of those by Fire/EMT, Fire/Medics, who solely identify as Firefighters to the public first and foremost.

Combined with much better PR that Fire Departments put out vs ambulance services, civilians who's only regular encounter with EMS is seeing the occasional ambulance driving by don't think about EMS as a seperate service.
Doesn't help when there's lots of ambulances run by FDs, and lots of those by Fire/EMT, Fire/Medics, who solely identify as Firefighters to the public first and foremost.

Combined with much better PR that Fire Departments put out vs ambulance services, civilians who's only regular encounter with EMS is seeing the occasional ambulance driving by don't think about EMS as a seperate service.
Which is another issue.
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