2012 Election Thread


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It's that time again, and we all know that we have a presidential election coming up this year.

This thread is the only place where we can discuss the candidates and how their platforms affect EMS.


Please keep the discussion on topic as it pertains to EMS. If this gets out of hand, or it goes beyond it's scope, this thread will be removed. Any political/election posts in any other threads posted after this thread is started will be removed.

So here are the rules for this thread.
2) Give reasons why you think one candidate may be better than the other.
4) Provide sources/references if possible
6) There is NO Rule #6
7) Keep it confined to EMS related topics.
8) Most importantly, BE POLITE.
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I politely wish to vote for Ron Paul. The only one that was consistent through out the years. And he is a DOCTOR !!!! :rolleyes:

I really dont think this thread will end well. -_-
Honestly I don't think either candidate has the foggiest idea of EMS is, much how less screwed up it is in some places. State governments aren't much better, and they are in charge of administering it so I really don't have much hope.
Honestly I don't think either candidate has the foggiest idea of EMS is, much how less screwed up it is in some places. State governments aren't much better, and they are in charge of administering it so I really don't have much hope.
Pretty much. We are such a small lobbying group that neither candidate cares about EMS.

If we Obama wins, we will have the same inaction that we have had for the past 4 years. lots of promises, but very little fulfillment.

If Romney wins, we are all screwed.

If anyone can cite ANY sources where either candidate can cite anything directly about EMS (outside of medicare and medicaid as a whole), I would be shocked.
Pretty much. We are such a small lobbying group that neither candidate cares about EMS.

If we Obama wins, we will have the same inaction that we have had for the past 4 years. lots of promises, but very little fulfillment.

If Romney wins, we are all screwed.

If anyone can cite ANY sources where either candidate can cite anything directly about EMS (outside of medicare and medicaid as a whole), I would be shocked.

There is usually a photo op or two of political candidates talking about how important first responders are.

Aside from calling 911 if they need an ambulance, I doubt they know or care anything about EMS at all.

They care about fire because the IAFF gives big money to political campaigns.

But as anyone who has worked on an FD for any length of time can tell you, once an election is over, emergency service is the first line on the chopping block when budgets are put together.

I would never vote for Ron Paul, Doctor or not, he lives in a world that hasn't existed in 50 years. Some of his ideas sound good because he says things that we want to hear no matter how unlikely or outright outrageous they are.

As for the other two, the only real difference I see between them is what special interest groups they pander to.

I think the importance of the office of president is over-exaggerated for what they really do and their ability to affect law and policy.
Obama can't even remember which are the people you want to have help syncopal supporters.


I'm pretty sure EMS is a fair ways down the list of priorities.
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Regardless of my bitterness of our democracy and apathy I think both parties show to real issues -- I think there is a significant difference between the two. I'll be voting Obama.

In a lot of Republican rhetoric, it seems teachers, firefighters etc seem to count as bureaucratic government. Some things should not make a profit in my opinion. Love learning about the issues more though.
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Honestly I don't think either candidate has the foggiest idea of EMS is, much how less screwed up it is in some places. State governments aren't much better, and they are in charge of administering it so I really don't have much hope.

They both know what the Emergency Money Supply is...they have been using it for forever...frequently...and with poor results :rolleyes:

I'm not sure on either parties positions on public services in general (specifically fire and EMS) but I do have a lot of concern anytime new grant money is introduced or some type of new federal funding is introduced. Most of the federal programs are very inefficient and are very very poor very temporary fixes to some underlying problem. I would rather see no federal funding than this hodge podge of poorly designed federal programs (the SAFER grant comes to mind)...provide barely enough money to hire a few new guys for a couple of years, and then at the end of the couple of years the city or country is worse off with guys they can't pay but now owe benefits and retirement...and the cycle perpetuates itself.

So yes, not sure on positions, but if we see new federal funding programs for emergency services I will likely be very displeased, they are almost always poorly planned and implemented and end up costing taxpayers more money in the long run (which it has been the long run for a while now...)
I think Romney is going to need a refresher on the Parkland Formula after the debate tonight.
The realtity is that your votes don't count. With only 2 viable candidates, we have no real choices. Romney has held every view since he was governor and Obama has been unimpressive. He didn't show up for state senate job, his senate job and I am not to sure he showed up here. Obama care was greates acheivement and it was modeled on Romney care which Romney has vowed to overturn but won't.

Any president would have given the order to get UBL.
The realtity is that your votes don't count. With only 2 viable candidates, we have no real choices. Romney has held every view since he was governor and Obama has been unimpressive. He didn't show up for state senate job, his senate job and I am not to sure he showed up here. Obama care was greates acheivement and it was modeled on Romney care which Romney has vowed to overturn but won't.

Any president would have given the order to get UBL.

While Mitt Romney did approve the Massachusetts Health Care Insurance Reform Law, I cannot stand how it is referred to as Romneycare in this election. While he originally supported it, he did not play a large in its creation and ended up vetoing several key portions of it that were later overruled by the state legislature.
I just cant take four more years of taking from hard workers to pay for non workers. I see the affordable care act making our jobs harder and our budget smaller, once the govt owns or atleast has a finger in every aspect of our lives they can tell us what we are worth and what we should make and i think that would lead to the demise of 3rd service ems
Any president would have given the order to get UBL.

Actually, Bush had the opportunity twice which is well documented and verified in various military journals, nonfiction books and documents. He passed...

There may have been more, but who knows?
Actually, Bush had the opportunity twice which is well documented and verified in various military journals, nonfiction books and documents. He passed...

There may have been more, but who knows?

Also, they did eventually go in, and kill him, in Pakistan. Short of putting Obama versus Osama as the main event of the UFC after the Superbowl, what more do people want?
Also, they did eventually go in, and kill him, in Pakistan. Short of putting Obama versus Osama as the main event of the UFC after the Superbowl, what more do people want?

Monday Night Rehabilitation!

I voted for Obama because he supports workers as a whole. If we want him or any other politician to understand who we are and what we do, it is on US! Just because you may not be interested in politics doesn't mean politics are not interested in YOU! Other groups lobby politicians so why don't we? <_<
Obama mentioned making it easier for military medics to transition into civilian medical fields. Nursing to be specific /QUOTE]

This has created quite the stir on the nursing forums. Many felt it was said in a derogatory way kind if like "our military medics can't even get a job as a nurse". I agree that there should be some type of transition but when it comes down to it military training is not the same as nursing and holds little value. Maybe they should focus on raising their training standards to NREMT-P instead of Basic and allow medics to tradition into civivlian EMS roles.

I think some military medics think since they can perform advanced procedures outside that of civilian scope that it somehow entitles them to be able to practice those skills once returning even though they have little education and training to support them. It is done out of necessity