2012 Election Thread

Wonder how voting is going to work if I'm still deployed in New York.
Oh that's a good question. I'd call your state auditor or whoever handles elections there.
Now if there only wasn't Congress there to stand in the way.

Out of all the candidates I think I agree with him on the most topics but that ad was totally biased.
Out of all the candidates I think I agree with him on the most topics but that ad was totally biased.

I agree with him too, and since I live in California and can't bring myself to vote for either Obama or Romney, I'm sent my vote his way to help get the Libertarian party "major party status" (5% of the vote). That doesn't change the fact that most to all of those requires Congress to vote on it and they aren't going to be legalizing marijuana or many other things he wants any time soon.
I agree with him on maybe 30%.

That being said, the fact that he paints Obama and Romney as identical (save some wording differences) makes me question if I can even believe what he says about himself.
Another out of touch idiot, might as well vote for Palin.

Balance budget?

In his dreams. He can suggest all the cuts he wants. Won't happen. Plus the most major cuts would have to come from the military and defense. Those industries not only have a significant lobby, they provide significant jobs.

Reduce federal spending 43%?

Another whacky dream. What is he planning to make major cuts in to do this? Medicare? Social security? Transportation? Research?

Increase government debt by 0?

I'd love to see it. But not realistic.

Repeal patriot act?

Another thing I would like to see that has absolutely no chance to pass congress or popular vote.

Abolish the federal reserve

Another dreamy idea. Perhaps unchecked inflation is a good idea?

Repeal Obamacare?

A great idea, let's go to a pay to play medical system where after government coverage is stripped to nothing to balance the budget people wil not have access to medical care at all. A fine choice.

Gun rights

Sure, a gun for everyone! Be realistic. It is not that the other two candidates are against gun ownership, they simply want responsible ownership.

Ye ha!!! Let's shoot up all those people without medical coverage once we balance that budget!


Bring all troops home now. Plus the contractors. Then get all pissy when somebody fly a jet into a building in the US. (or worse)

Of course we will be able to immediate retaliate against such transgressions with our new stripped out military!

Anyone who thinks afghanistan is over in 2014 is fooling themselves. Anyone who thinks simply pulling out now will not make matters worse is probably somebody who also thinks the withdrawel method is effective birthcontrol. (while smoking pot)


Completely out of touch. Iran is not a US problem it is a world problem. What is his plan if an Iranian proxy drops a bomb on our ally Israel or threatens Saudi?

the next 2 are the SAA

Same sex marriage

Simply by his will he plans to strike down states with laws opposing it or pass it through a republican legislator?

Best of luck to him.

Legalize Marijuana

An outstanding idea. Let us make readily available a drug linked to schizophrenia and gut healthcare spending. That'll really help the US!

Individual campaign donors

Obviously this dumbass hasn't heard the supreme court thinks corperations are people too and enjoy the same rights. Apparently he hasn't heard of super PACs either...

This is why 3rd party candidates never get serious consideration. They have no idea of the complexities of issues. They just say stuff people want to hear or would like if we lived in fantasyland where issues were not connected.

Maybe he should stay home smoke some weed and make the country's issues all go away in his mind. Another perfect example of why less populated states should not have equal status with population centers.
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An outstanding idea. Let us make readily available a drug linked to schizophrenia

As if it is not already readily available? Cigarettes are linked to more health problems than marijuana and they are legal. Maybe the taxes generated off its legalization could go towards the cost of healthcare.

Did anyone see that documentary about Heliburton? If that is true, it s crazy how much government money they wasted and literally burned away (Buring trucks with flat tires instead of attempting to repair them).
As if it is not already readily available? Cigarettes are linked to more health problems than marijuana and they are legal. Maybe the taxes generated off its legalization could go towards the cost of healthcare.


I will be the first to admit "the war on drugs" is not only a failure but outright stupid.

However, despite it's popularity, it would probably be better for the US to make opioids available OTC than it would be to legalize MJ.

A schitzo is not just a threat to themself. Without treatment they can be a threat to everyone around them. They will also be fine contributors to society when they are on disability from their worsening mental illness.

Did anyone see that documentary about Heliburton? If that is true, it s crazy how much government money they wasted and literally burned away (Buring trucks with flat tires instead of attempting to repair them).

I am no friend of haliburton either, but I do have idea on the realities of war and if you think the cost of burning trucks sucks, you will really not like the cost of trying to repair the logistics chains that will make fixing them a responsible choice. Mostly because they would have to be completely run and secured by the military and it is cheaper to let some Paki skim 20+% of all cargo he drives into Afghanistan.

That is my point, these issues do not exist independantly. There is no fast and easy fix. There is no way to extricate ourselves from this mess in an easy way. Otherwise we would have done it and it would all be history.

Canidates who think they can or have the easy answers simply do not have the knowledge to be a responsible president. They are no different than tea partyers and their oversimplified extremist views.
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common ground...

I can't wait until Wednesday
We were doing standby at the charlotte airport today. A lady had a sncyopal at the very front of the crowd in from of the stage, breathing and not responsive. Michelle got to see my partner and I take her away to the truck. Secret service carried our bags for us. News cameras everywhere. But won't be televised cause that would be bad political rep.
We were doing standby at the charlotte airport today. A lady had a sncyopal at the very front of the crowd in from of the stage, breathing and not responsive. Michelle got to see my partner and I take her away to the truck. Secret service carried our bags for us. News cameras everywhere. But won't be televised cause that would be bad political rep.

So someone passes out at a political rally and that's somehow news worthy, and the First Lady's fault?
I've been hearing 'rumors' that go along the lines of "If so-and-so wins (or such-and-such passes), then within a week the banks will be closed and uniformed troops will be marching in the streets."

Of course there will be, no matter what the polls show. Monday is Veteran's Day.

I just hope the ones passing the 'rumor' are in on the long-running joke, and not just paranoid, or trying to influence other people's votes by making them think that the country's going to immediately go down the drain if the 'evil opponent' or 'evil bill' gets voted in.
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So someone passes out at a political rally and that's somehow news worthy, and the First Lady's fault?

Well hell if it had been Justin Beber no one would have blinked.

Actually people pass out all the time waiting to see her. People will wait hours and hours in line just to get a book signed. Then they start moving around and poof down they go.

There's even a clip floating around where Obama asks people in the crowd to wave down a paramedic if they're feeling woozy. Only he misspeaks and says paralegals instead.