Yes if a child shows up at a medical emergency involving my family member you will be dismissed, It is my right.
You know nothing of what high horse I sit on and yes, I am more capable, more educated, more experienced, better prepared physically and emotionally to handle the aspects of my profession.
your right, it is your right. you can sign the RMA form. 16/18/21/25, when the patient is 80, everyone is a child. You are refusing to be treated, by a trained person. if you die, that's your own fault. You can even RMA, and call 911 again, and the same ambulance will probably show up.
age is a very arbitrary number. some states allow 16 year olds to be EMTs. most require 18. some allow 18 year olds to be paramedics. some require you to be 21.
I have knows some amazing 16 and 17 year old EMTs. and some 30 year old EMTs that I wouldn't let treat my worst enemy.
Not going to lie, I wouldn't be super stoked to find out the two crew members allowed my family member to ride in the back with a 16 year old attendant. Just my opinion, don't get all riled up over it.
why not? what is the difference between a 30 year old EMT, and a 16 year old EMT, who were both in the same EMT class? they both passed the class. They both have the same amount of education. the only difference is one guy started their EMT career at the age of 16 (while in HS), and the other worked at McDonalds for 12 years after he graduated high school before deciding to become an EMT.
As for can they legally be allowed in the back, it depends on the state requirement the NJ provisional thing is a new titled, when I became an EMT, I was 16, and was an EMT just like everyone else. now it's a little different, but if the state regulations permit it, than it can be done. it's really up to the individual agency and state regulations to determine if an underage EMT can be allowed in the back of the truck alone with the patient.