16 y/o EMT Alone in Rig

On the maturity discussion, it doesn't matter. It's easier to say no to everyone, than pick an choose. Imagine the issues that would cause? Chief can't just say, "Ok, Mary Lou, you're mature, so you can ride by yourself, but Joey, you aren't quite there yet, you need a babysitter."

Its liability. 18 is the age of majority so one can justify having an 18 y/o alone on the rig to the lawyers a whole lot easier than a 16 y/o.
Its liability. 18 is the age of majority so one can justify having an 18 y/o alone on the rig to the lawyers a whole lot easier than a 16 y/o.

**no to everyone under the age of 18. Sorry, should have been more specific.
Of course the 16yo's personal merit will decide his capability but I just think its a bad idea. I'm all for getting your feet wet young but from a PR standpoint having 16yo in charge of patients on there own can give somewhat of a negative light and furthermore if one of the 16yo EMT screws the pooch the :censored::censored::censored::censored: storm is going to hit twice as hard not only on him but the department will also be in question for allowing a 16yo to perform whatever the case may be. A 22 yo, seasoned EMT makes a mistake and its well a mistake and will be dealt with accordingly while I feel like a 16yo screwing up makes him, the department, and essentially our states standards come into question. Mind you I am referring to the PUBLIC'S view on this so it is of course under educated but will grasp at anything they can't point a finger at and 16 year old hurting a patient is a HUGE target.
It shouldn't be legal.

You know whats funny?

When I go to the dentist, I don't dont see any sixteen year olds.

When I go to get my oil changed I don't see any sixteen year olds.

When the fed ex guy comes to my house he isn't sixteen.

The mailman isn't sixteen.

Hell the trash man isn't sixteen.

When I'm having a medical emergency and the ambulance comes to my house, there better not be any sixteen year olds on it.

I know your mature for your age, your not like the other sixteen year olds, and your probably more mature them most of the providers doing this job.........I don't care. When EMS providers come to my house they better be out of high school, and hopefully college.

I'm sorry but sixteen year olds belong at the boys club not on the box.

What are you going to do? Are you going time refuse treatment or request that they send you a different ambulance all because there is a 16 y/o on board as an EMT. No, you be glad he is there to help. Get off your high horse, you are no better than a anyone else.
What are you going to do? Are you going time refuse treatment or request that they send you a different ambulance all because there is a 16 y/o on board as an EMT. No, you be glad he is there to help. Get off your high horse, you are no better than a anyone else.

It has nothing to do with being better, and I dont work or live in an area that utilizes child labor to avoid paying professional providers.

Yes if a child shows up at a medical emergency involving my family member you will be dismissed, It is my right.

You know nothing of what high horse I sit on and yes, I am more capable, more educated, more experienced, better prepared physically and emotionally to handle the aspects of my profession.

You cant watch an R rated movie without your parents, you think Im going to let you watch one unfold on the highway.

You wont get your ego stroked here my friend, nothing personal.
I don't need my ego stroked my friend. I can watch a R rated movie without an adult. I'm 30 y/o, and if a 16 y/o was to show up at my door for a medical emergency he would be allowed in my home to help. If he is old enough to pass the test and do everything that has to be done to become an EMT, then why not. What are you going to do card every person that cones into your home after you called 911. Are you going to ask if the responding crew has a 16y/o on board. No, because that will be the least of your worries. You will be more worried about the family member who is hurt than if someone us barely legal to drive.
Yes if a child shows up at a medical emergency involving my family member you will be dismissed, It is my right.

Where do you live? In my area family doesn't have a say in the treatment/refusal unless they're POA.

Or are you just saying that you'd refuse entry into your home?

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I love how after reading one reply you automatically assume that you have more experience, more education, are more physically fit, and anything else that you think you are more superior at. I wish I was as superior as you are. I would rule the world with al my superiority. Just saying.
I love how after reading one reply you automatically assume that you have more experience, more education, are more physically fit, and anything else that you think you are more superior at. I wish I was as superior as you are. I would rule the world with al my superiority. Just saying.

Well Before you rule the world may I suggest and English composition class, you know start small.

Back on topic, no EMS provider in my state will be provideing care, you have to be at least eighteen years of age to sit for the test.

And yes unless they began their EMS career while in the womb I have more experience. Unless they attended collEge at the age of twelve I am more educated, the rest about superiority is irrelevent and untrue.

I dont believe exposing children to murder, stabbings, assault, fatalities, communicable diseases, violence, grief, and undue stress is beneficial.

Im a parent, and my sixteen will be in school, on a ball field or at the ice cream parlor scooping choclate chip because I make the decisions until they reach the age of eighteen.

It all sounds like a great idea until there is a dead patient or a dead sixteen year-old, then everyone wants to know why a child was on an ambulnce.
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With the current state of the US EMS system, in regards to education and professionalism, I don't see any problem with people <18 y/o on ambulances. Just like "adults," teenagers have varying degrees of maturity and education.

That being said, many <18 y/o EMTs have good work ethic, are mature, and are relatively educated (from anecdotal experience). They wouldn't be looking to be EMTs unless they want to achieve something and challenge themselves.
Well Before you rule the world may I suggest and English composition class, you know start small.

Back on topic, no EMS provider in my state will be provideing care, you have to be at least eighteen years of age to sit for the test.

Did he just trash someone on English and then use the word 'and' instead of 'an'? Then went on to spell the word 'providing' incorrectly within one sentence?

That just jumped out at me is all.
Why does a 16yo need to be on an ambulance? Isnt the job market already over saturated enough?

Join a sports team, work at cold stone and hang out at the park. Hold on to being a kid while you can, being a grown up sucks.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
I started out in EMS at 16. I started college at 16. Just because your 16 year old snot nosed, Justin Beiber chasing teenager cant conduct patient care doesn't mean that I couldn't or another like minded 16 year old couldn't do it. Its about the maturity of the individual and the station that is responsible for who rides their rigs. If the station chief deems you responsible enough to do a task and has the reputation to realize that they have to play by the big boy rules, so be it. Being in the military, I went to basic with young men and women who were 17 years old who had their parents sign for them to enlist. Am I going to say "wait, you're not old enough to drink? You cant serve your country." News flash. You're not the most experienced, smartest, most well qualified to ride the gut bucket. Sure, you may have a lot of time on your belt. That doesn't make you better, it just makes you old.
Did he just trash someone on English and then use the word 'and' instead of 'an'? Then went on to spell the word 'providing' incorrectly within one sentence?

That just jumped out at me is all.

Why yes I did.

Now thats some funny stuff.
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Yes if a child shows up at a medical emergency involving my family member you will be dismissed, It is my right.

You cant watch an R rated movie without your parents.

Then they would have you sign a pt refusal of treatment. With my service the refusal is on the back of the PCR. If under 18 was all they had and you signed the refusal then you could not commence any legal action against the service. As well you do not have to be accompanied by your parents to see a rated R movie. All you need is someone of legal age to accompany you. You could watch it on DVD.
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I'm just confused, we are arguing the merits of 16 year old people doing EMS work when some of us can't use proper English and are how old....

If someone wants to do a job and is deemed capable by the state to do said job what is the problem? I don't know what answer we are approaching but arguing what are ALL OPINIONS (unless there is an only 16 year old EMT national study I don't know about that provides evidence that a 16 year old is somehow not capable) on this forum and slamming people for no reason just shows that some of our EMS personnel still act like they are 16 anyways.

(Not normally one to pull out typos and errors but if you trash someone on English know it yourself)

If this doesn't show age is just number I don't know what does...
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Let me ask it this way...

Do all 20 year old EMTs act like a 20 year old?

What about 22, when you reach that age you go through some amazing metamorphosis like a butterfly and are endowed with special maturity powers?
Why does a 16yo need to be on an ambulance? Isnt the job market already over saturated enough?

Join a sports team, work at cold stone and hang out at the park. Hold on to being a kid while you can, being a grown up sucks.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

Sadly we don't realize this till its too late :(

I would assume the same reasoning that America is built on.... If you can pay someone less to do it hire that person...

You're completely correct on the over saturated market which is an interesting point in itself pertaining to younger EMTs
Funny? Not really. Hypocritical and a statement that fails to support your own opinion might be more accurate.

Easy, Im a recovering swype addict.

The fact still remains, no children work trucks here.
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