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  1. M

    A Rant

    That is what I brought up to the OP as to why they did not ask the driver to pull over. I just brought up the seat belt locking as an example as to possibly why the OP did not put theirs on and I am not making excuse for them.
  2. M

    A Rant

    Aidey I was just telling you how the belts lock up. Not making excuses. I have gotten my seat belt on going over bumpy roads. Takes timing but I get them on if the person driving does not wait for me to put it on. I always put my seat belt on when in the ambulance whether in front or in back...
  3. M

    Badmouthing Pt's To Others

    I am wondering how to deal with this situation on our ambulance. Was paged out to transport a pt that has a history of seizures, was on a ton of meds and admitted to smoking pot that morning. Has a brain tumor. As I was driving to the medical center to pick this pt up my ambulance manager is...
  4. M

    A Rant

    Aidey try putting on your seat belt while driving over a bumpy road. It locks on you and you have to release it and try to pull it over yourself to click it. Does not matter if it is on an ambulance or POV.
  5. M

    A Rant

    I know what you are talking about not being able to get your belt fastened because it keeps locking on you while someone is driving. Been there! Now that being said. One you should have looked at your partner and asked them to stop because you could not get your belt fastened. Two writing you...
  6. M

    EMS in Montana

    What they are changing is the Levels of EMS. A person who was a QRU would now be an EMT. An EMT with endorsements is going to change, I cannot remember what right now. Same with Paramedics. They are dropping the requirement for having a NREMTS certification. A person can go ahead and get...
  7. M

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Was talking to a friends niece who shared a really good from her department. "Medic 1 respond to a vehicle accident" "Meat Wagon 1 rolling."
  8. M

    EMS in Montana

    Things are changing in the Montana EMS. Try this link
  9. M

    The nice things a patient will do.

    Transported a lady's mother to a bigger hospital. The mother passed away 2 days later. She came up to me and Thanked me and gave me a hug. Nicest gift I could expect.
  10. M

    EMT-B starting IVs

    Depends upon transport time and whether we can get the helicopter in to our scene. We have an IV endorsement here signed off by our medical director. We are to check blood sugar before starting any fluids. Also depends upon pt's condition.
  11. M

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Was transporting a pt yesterday when he started going south, Called for ALS since we are only BLS. Dispatcher came back and told me to call 911. <_<
  12. M

    What Is This?

    I saw the neatest type of stethoscope today. It actually sat under the BP cuff and you can disconnect the ear pieces. Instead of being the round shape it was a rectangle shape that was curved to fit on the persons arm. I was wondering how this would work in the ambulance during a long transport...
  13. M

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Heard this one one night. Dispatch: 19-8 respond to an ill 21 yo male at XXX. (This place is 40 miles out half paved road and the rest bumpy gravel.) 19-8: Responding with 2 on board. 19-8: Dispatch what is the nature of this call? Dispatch: (Sheepish voice) PT is complaining of an upset...
  14. M

    EMS Pranks

    Sounds like a guy I knew. this guy was a wild card. Drove like mad at any tone and just drove everyone nuts. Were at the local street dance, not in uniform. we tied a tampon to his belt loop and let him walk around for awhile. Got him on a fire one night. I hit him with a stream from a 2"...
  15. M

    con artists

    Best one I heard from a paramedic friend. Got called to the county jail, inmate having chest pain. They pick him up and take him to the ER. Busy night so the guy gets up and walks out. Police picked him up a block away and right back to jail. While later paged again for an inmate having a...
  16. M

    EMS Pranks

    Life is too short. Live, laugh and learn. Because you never know when it will end. Helped today to put a fence around my best friends grave. She died at age 40. I look every day for a reason to laugh. Because for 1 year I couldn't find any.
  17. M

    EMS Pranks

    Oh Stephanie that is mean. LMAO.
  18. M

    Bad Day just gets worse.

    Good luck. Got my fingers crossed for you that they got it all in one shot.
  19. M

    Anyone have experience with ending life support?

    Glad to hear about the organ donation. My friend was one, but her husband wouldn't let them. It made me so mad because we both had talked to each other about it and agreed to do it. Just remember to do what I did in this trying time. Put one foot in front of the other. Think of the onderful...
  20. M

    Anyone have experience with ending life support?

    Yes. They ran 3 different tests on my best friend and had another one planned, but cancelled it. The crazy part in the whole situation was the final desicion was based on one person reading the x-ray and talking to the Dr.'s. It was our vet. He could explain what was going on to her husband...