Recent content by phabib

  1. phabib

    Haiti Earthquake EMS response

    Global Medic is sending a 5 person rapid response team. They'll send a mobile field hospital and water purification units.
  2. phabib

    Post the best EMS youtube videos

    Here's a few I like to get things started: Thrice - The Artist In The Ambulance Bodies R' Hauled Off
  3. phabib

    EMT/Medic Gamers

    I was a big gamer until school started up. Now I look at my console longingly over my book. Only two weeks till semester ends....
  4. phabib

    How old were you?

    20 When I was in EMT-B. 22 now in PCP program.
  5. phabib

    Paramedic girl or a guy?

    Small girls in my program get through the lift tests just fine once they get proper lifting technique down.
  6. phabib

    EMS in the Middle East

    I couldn't find how long term the positions are. I'd only be able to commit to a summer but it seems like a cool opportunity. They are taking EMT-basic applications online, it would be tempting. What is the compensation for expatriates going to work there?
  7. phabib

    Option to minimize EMTLIFE banner

    It's a suggestion area. It's a small change that would make the site easier and faster to navigate through.
  8. phabib

    Yeah, got back a few days ago. Need to pack the car but I'm being lazy. I'll make it to Canada...

    Yeah, got back a few days ago. Need to pack the car but I'm being lazy. I'll make it to Canada somehow.
  9. phabib

    Option to minimize EMTLIFE banner

    Is there a way a registered user could minimize the banner at the top of the page? It's just a slight annoyance but for lower resolution screens having to scroll down extra to get to the threads can get a bit tedious. If there was a way to minimize the section with sticky threads it would make...
  10. phabib

    Amateur surgery on

    Here's a haiku to express my feelings Why did they do that? The puss just kept coming out gloves, not expensive
  11. phabib

    the 100% directionless thread

    hm...interesting day. Heard of some friends getting evicted out of their apartment because too many black africans were visiting them. They run a program for refugees so it's normal to have people in and out of the apartment. The landlord called them prostitutes. oh...the landlord happens to...
  12. phabib

    View this film!

    Great film! Awesome job.
  13. phabib

    International volunteering for EMS

    From what I've researched EMS isn't in very high demand for international volunteer positions. MSF (Doctors without Borders) for example does not ask for EMTs or Paramedics. Withing the nursing section emergency experience is one of the desired traits but is not a hard requirement. There is an...
  14. phabib

    I START MY EMT CLASS IN 1 WEEK!!! any advice?

    Think of the other students as a crappy partner on your rig. You have to work things out with them for your job. Make it work. Don't go too crazy on the equipment front. You're more than set now for the entire course.
  15. phabib

    I START MY EMT CLASS IN 1 WEEK!!! any advice?

    Study. Do the reading and you'll be fine. Start on your practical sheets early so you have them memorized by the time you get tested.