the 100% directionless thread

Kind of a weird name. I guess it's better than the Kum & Go stores that my relatives in Arkansas have...

Sounds like a one night sta.... Ooh that's right family friendly site hahaha :rofl:
I love Kum and Go(s)! But actually, given the choice I will stop at one if I need gas in Colorado.
Fred Willard is a famous actor (Anchorman, Best in Show) who was arrested last week because he... umm... sought a little too much relief while patronizing a porn theater in LA.
I imagine one indication could be when they finally finish clearing the IEDs out of the suspect's house.

My point was, why does time elapsed make it ok or not ok to "joke" about a person's demise?

I'm sorry for striking a nerve with anyone. I didn't mean it in jest. I just saw an opportunity to link another poster's comment with a relevant event in EMS. Perhaps the execution was not as graceful as I had hoped.
So I did my fafsa today and am eligible for 5,550 USD. Tuition for 12 credits + books is less than a grand, maybe slightly more... I need a macbook retina for school. My current laptop is ~4 years old.
I've been watching probably 5 episodes of Scrubs per day for the past month.
Ahhh...tooo muuccchh mechanic talllk.

Brain is melllllttttttiiiinnnnggggg.

Is it bad that I find wrenching similar to working on humans? I guess I'd technically have to be a surgeon to really say that but it's still ask about the problem, find the real problem, attempt to fix the real problem. I'm not the only person at work that wrenches in my spare time. Well when I stopped racing it changed from a hobby to a "crap my car is broken I need to fix it" but close enough :P

As bad as it may sound sometimes cars are much more frustrating than humans. Plus cars tear your knuckles up.

Side note: the Heep is running like a champ still. haven't driven it a whole lot, just to work and back but I took the long way and put my foot in it to see if I could get it to misfire again but she wont do it. Crossing my fingers that it was just a bad connection somewhere, I'd really prefer to by a motorcycle rather than a new truck.
So apparently out of the 5 med students in the call room today, I'm the only one who's ever heard of House of God. Furthermore, I never realized how awkward reading HoG outloud is... especially when someone walks in halfway through some of the passages (like the entire first chapter). If 50 Shades of Gray is "mommy porn," then HoG is "medical porn."

Really? That is odd, It is a fantastic book. "the gomers..."
Why do things always go poorly on overtime ?!? Had a stoke patient yanked off my stretcher by a different private company's ALS, wrote a patient's name as tequila instead of her real name on a PCR for some reason.

And I just dropped my iPhone and destroyed the screen. Hooray!!
Why do things always go poorly on overtime ?!? Had a stoke patient yanked off my stretcher by a different private company's ALS, wrote a patient's name as tequila instead of her real name on a PCR for some reason.

And I just dropped my iPhone and destroyed the screen. Hooray!!

That's why I have to otterbox,
But I ran over mine last week and it shattered the back glass.