Depends on your perspective.
My first patient was when I first started as an EMT at a snow park. 60 y/o female (lso an RN) got taken out at the ankels by a three y/o in a sled. Pelvic pain, but was stable. Checked her over, but being a RN, she signed out AMA.
My first patient on Ambulance was a code. Got dispatched out for siezures and was about 45 seconds out when it was clarified as a code. We were in there before the FD (rare). I was with my FTO, so he assigned the newbie to CPR while he assisted the medic with the ALS side. She was in v-fib. I remeber refusing to give up compressions even when FD arrived and all the way into the trauma room. I remeber the call vividly becasue I got the best compliment you can get from this jerk of an FTO, "Very cool under preasure... for a probie."