Your first call?


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What was the first call you guys had responded to as EMT's?
I believe it was an MVA, that was fifteen-years ago so I could be wrong.
I wont ever forget mine. It was a gunshot to the head
Mine was a motorcycle vs truck MVC,, i'll never forget that one, guy on the bike rearended the truck as it was making a turn of a main highway..
Depends on your perspective.

My first patient was when I first started as an EMT at a snow park. 60 y/o female (lso an RN) got taken out at the ankels by a three y/o in a sled. Pelvic pain, but was stable. Checked her over, but being a RN, she signed out AMA.

My first patient on Ambulance was a code. Got dispatched out for siezures and was about 45 seconds out when it was clarified as a code. We were in there before the FD (rare). I was with my FTO, so he assigned the newbie to CPR while he assisted the medic with the ALS side. She was in v-fib. I remeber refusing to give up compressions even when FD arrived and all the way into the trauma room. I remeber the call vividly becasue I got the best compliment you can get from this jerk of an FTO, "Very cool under preasure... for a probie."
My first clinical ride, we got a call for person not breathing CPR in progress. Family didn't want to continue CPR, patient had been dead for sometime. Body looked kind of yellowish and family was hysterical.

I have to learn on how to deal with hysterical family, as I am going to medic school in the fall.
a psych. and elderly female that just wouldn't respond to anyone. h/o dementia... that was first on my ride time.
my first as an EMT was an MVC.
My first call was to a nursing home for a male with altered level of consciousness. We walked up to the man, sitting in a wheel chair and could immediately smell a fruity odor. Glucometer read 1200. He'd already had an IV in from an antibiotic he was on, so we just put him on O2 and got out of there. Pt was more or less unconscious upon arrival. By the time the paperwork was done, he was yelling/screaming from the room. Guess he didn't like the foley! :)
My first was and elderly male with COPD, CHF, and emphysema. Complaint of shortness of breath, but pretty much uneventful.

Later that same day though, I had a Teenager schytzophrenic who was trying to ignite a gas stove in a pop-up camper. Some how he managed to ignite the propane tank that was inside the camper. When we arrived the roof of the camper was no longer attached to the walls. PT sustained third degree burns on 90% of body. I was able to call for chopper on first day.:blush:
1 vehicle rollover, 4pts, 3 minor injuries and 1 eval
First call as licensed EMT was during 1996 Detroit hydroplane races. A kid was on Belle Aisle at a playground near grandstands. he fell and had an obvious silverfork fx. best part was my partner was my dad
My first call was for an older woman c/o chest pain No ALS available, Turned out that she was having a MI Oh yeah she was my mother! That was twenty three years ago I will never forget that call!
First Call...

First call: 13 y/o female, anaphalaxysis caused by meds. ALS arrived shortly after but it seemed like an eternity.
my first call was when i was doing my ems clinicals and it was an MVA
My first call was for an older woman c/o chest pain No ALS available, Turned out that she was having a MI Oh yeah she was my mother! That was twenty three years ago I will never forget that call!

That's what would be in the back of my mind if I worked in my hometown. My mom's needed EMS several times so that would be my fortune.

Haven't gone on an EMS call yet... not certified. But, the class begins soon and the journey to medic (after Basic of course) will begin.
my first call was during my emt clinicals (last saturday night.. lol). The first was for an assault .. the last call of the night was a code.. other than that pretty uneventful
OD. 20 y/o female took approx 200 Tylenol PM. Only told us that she had a 9 month old in the house after we loaded her into the amb. :wacko: PT ended up being flown out.
we had to 3rd ride for a while before being released w/ a partner. That first call was an active seizure.

post 3rd riding it was something dumb like general sickness... fever, chills, n/v. One of those calls that needs a taxi to the docs office more than an ambulance to the ER

3rd riding during school was an MVC on the interstate... 18-wheeler vs dumptruck vs compact stationwagon. Followed shortly by a man caught in a tractor augar. I think those were the same day... it was freaky!