would you backboard a patient punched in the head?

Honestly, A year ago, I would. I worked in an area who's rule was "any injury above the shoulders requires c-spine precautions." But now, after studying NEXUS, and the studies done on backboards and the damage they cause, no. I would not (and thankfully my current protocols allow me to clear c-spine in the field).
RE: Chuck Norris jokes

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HGC test:cool:
Say you had a pt who was punched in the head. The patient has some swelling and a minor contusion. Pt denies any loc, nausea, dizziness and neck/ back pain. Who would board?

I won't do it. Unless there is some other battery involved
Why they only need some "motrin and water (and maybe a band aid if your a :censored::censored::censored::censored:)"
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Why does rockem sockem robots come to mind.