Working Christmas Day


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Anyone working on Christmas day?
Going to be my first time don't really know what to except as in call volume.

My first Christmas working in 6 years of EMS. Don't know how I have lucked out so far.

I don't expect it to be different than any other day...but I could be wrong.
Every Christmas I work a code. Every Christmas.

I'm in tonight, off tomorrow. Maybe I'll be spared.
I work Christmas night. I do IFT. I expect it to be the same as any other night.
I work overnight both tonight and tomorrow night. Should be typical, call volume wise.
I work nightshift tonight

and christmas night both 12 hours 8p-8a.

I worked dayshift last year christmas day, had a code, and a STEMI. the last christmas I worked before that I had not a single call.

OTOH New Years screws me. I worked New Years eve last year I had the first code and the first shooting in the county :/
I work Christmas Eve and Day Night shift. Usually most patients are discharged leaving only the sick patients and lower staffing. Can turn into a fun time.
I'm working Christmas day shift and anticipating a pretty average day. We shall see.
I was supposed to do a 24 starting this morning, but it looks like I'll only do a 12 due to a shift trade that partially backed out... This'll be the first xmas in 6 years I haven't worked fully... usually a pretty chill day, but a lot of SI/attempts
I work nightshift tonight

and christmas night both 12 hours 8p-8a.

I worked dayshift last year christmas day, had a code, and a STEMI. the last christmas I worked before that I had not a single call.

OTOH New Years screws me. I worked New Years eve last year I had the first code and the first shooting in the county :/

I'm doing NYE for the 4th year straight.. I always get hammered during those shifts
I'm doing NYE for the 4th year straight.. I always get hammered during those shifts

Last year was the first new Years Eve I worked EVER!, me and my former met at a new years eve party back in 2000, needless to say we kept the tradition going for the entire relationship. and last year I needed the cash and noone was having any good bashes so I said Eff it. I'll take the time and a half pay, needless to say 0010 hit and I started earning it.
Fifth Christmas in a row and the last for three years until my platoon is up again. Working nights. Generally Christmas isn't awful for us but were also a busy station so it could be better.

We make the best of it though. We've got a tree and some decorations up. Well do a gift exchange tomorrow and were all bringing in food and movies. As long as call volume obliges and leaves us at base it'll be a pretty good night.
Work tonight and tomorrow day. And New Years. Awesome.
Yeah, I wish we could decorate our stations or trucks. We're kind of stuck doing the politically correct thing though.
You can decorate the station. We've got a Christmas tree up at 108.
This is the first Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I've had off in many years. Usually I'm stuck working either one. Unfortunately, I only get holiday pay on Christmas Day. New Year's Eve and New Year's Day also fall on the same days of the week. This means that as long as someone doesn't call in sick or dead, I'll have both of those days off too! So far, it's been a wonderful time spending this time with family, away from the rigors of work. What's even more amazing is that I managed to get a few days off from work, so it's been a wonderful, if short, vacation.
I work tomorrow at 1930. Last Christmas Eve I worked and it sucked. 3 cardiac arrests. I'm hoping for a good night.

We did decorate our truck lol


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One really nice thing, our admin staff lets us split crews for big holidays like this. Even though I'm working, I was moved to a station close to home, so I can take a medic unit home, spend Christmas Eve with my wife and baby and still run calls if needed. Just one more reason I love working here.
Now I'm stuck working tomorrow night as well... This is getting better and better
I'm on now and tomorrow. I volunteered it. I'm posting from home right now. Only a few blocks from station. If I get called out, spouse can finish up here.
So far we teamed up with fire and delivered about 500 thousand gift cards to families.