What does your agency ride in...

Here are pic of the inside of the netcare bus.A pic of a er24 bus. I cant find any Province pictures of a actual working and intact bus because they all seem to be on there roof or their side except the one at the fire station. hmmm:unsure:


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Hey man, thanks for all the info. Believe me, if more people took a trip to South Africa, then I think they would stay there. Good luck buddy, keep it safe.
Wheeled Coach

We are currently looking to buy a new rig. Currently we have all Road Rescue trucks but we're looking at the Wheeled Coach. Any feedback about these trucks. If you use them, pos and neg? Please let me know. Thanks in advance!
Well we lost another truck on Saturday, this one with less than 10k miles on the re-mount. It was rear-ended on 12/27/08 on I-20@Langhorn while arriving onscene of an MVC. Crew was ok, the expected body aches and soreness. One passenger in the vehicle was trown from the rear seat to the front seat and was unconscious. Driver had to be extricated from car as it ran under the unit nearly upto the windshield. This also caused the fuel tank to rupture and lay 40 gallons of diesel on the interstate.

The unit will most likely be totaled out as the box is out of square and torqued now, and the frame-rails are bent on the chassis.

Brush Guard on an ambo...what will they think of next?

You must not be from a rural area. We got a full-blown brush guard/roo-bar on the front of our rigs. I dont have my camera, but I'll get a pic next time I'm on shift.
Should've had the safety chevron on the back.... :sad::sad:

Passengers in the back seat are supposed to wear seatbelts too?

Chevrons are only helpful when people pay attention. Reaching on the floor to pick up your cell phone while tailgating an Ambulance driving code doesn't count as paying attention.
well everybody i got a new job...hired as a Firefighter / EMTB in Vernon texas and here is our new truck recieved right after i got hired...


im the passenger

nice to see the evil empire actually knows how to order new trucks; but i have to say that that platform is the ugliest ambulance every created and yes, im stacking it up against all of the foreign abominations.
nice to see the evil empire actually knows how to order new trucks; but i have to say that that platform is the ugliest ambulance every created and yes, im stacking it up against all of the foreign abominations.

I've always wondered how they handle in the wind....it gets really nasty out where I am...hate being blown around the lanes.
Our Trucks are Excellance's Its a company out of Alabama, Cleveland, Ohio EMS uses them but on International chassis, works great for them unfortunately these boxes are so hefty on the smaller chassis like E-350 and the new Chevy 3500? that we are goin to do not run it as well. We also have Ford Explorers as chase and officer vehicles I'll post those later.






Here's the album link if you want to see full size ones
My Primary job uses Chevy Suburbans, with a few Ford Expeditions as our back-up vehicles. SCT uses Type III's, and BLS transport uses Type II's.

Volunteer Squad uses two Horton Type III's, awaiting delivery on a third. (pictured below)

Per-diem BLS job uses Ford F-450 type I's.


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Well I don't have a picture at the moment but we use...

Excellance Type I F-350

We are on their website and calendar, look for the Vehicles link at the top of the homepage.

Then look for the grey and red Type I that is from Madison County.
We ride in ambulances not buses, trucks, etc.
Yea, I Found Some!

All of our trucks are newer models, they are ALL identical on the inside and outside compartments. We have 8 of these. We are the only County service in Georgia that I know of... that is not white. White is... BORING!






DeKalb Fire has red units, Newton County has Lime units, those two I can think off of the top of my head
And Gwinnett Fire is going to the "Chicago Style" black over red on the med units along with all new apparatus orders.