Excellent post Remi.
As for the guy who says "once you start up and are over the risk and become successful...", may I ask what you are using to determine success? Do you have access to the daily financials or are you merely speculating based on call volume and how much they bill per run? Your comment is full of ignorance.
As a business owner, some might say I am successful. Yes, I took a LOT of risk to start my venture and it took YEARS before I was in the black. However, long before that people were making assumptions about how much I had and how good I was doing. You have no idea what it takes to run a successful business as evidenced by your inaccurate perspective. So please tell me...at what point do YOU determine MY success and at what point should I stop trying to protect mine and my family's financial future and worry more about yours when you agreed to the job at the accepted wage?
No matter how successful you perceive a business to be...every single day it is at risk. Every single freaking day there is stress and potential for failure. There are contract defaults, contract cancellations, slow pays, no pays, insurance rule changes....and that is just in the accounting department, long before we get to the HR/Employees, overhead, maintenance, etc.
You might actually be VERY surprised at how little margins owners actually walk away with at the end of the year despite the MILLIONS in annual revenue. There is a significant difference between annual revenue and net profit.