vodka tampons, "butt chugging" Teens stupid tricks to get drunk

Talking with a friend of mine, she says that her friends were doing this (the tampon method) about 7 years ago. She said the effects were much, much faster.

I'm still wondering how one goes about inserting a tampon once it has already been soaked (and expanded)?
I imagine they use plastic applicators.

I'm still wondering how one goes about inserting a tampon once it has already been soaked (and expanded)?

As a married (30 years) person, who also have had daughters through puberty, I'm not ashamed of what's on the shopping/grocery list. At this point, I think I've bought everything.

Just seems like a long process, soaking-back in plastic applicator-inserting......just drink it straight. I can have more drank in the time this whole process could take.
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I've been trying not to fan the flames of teenager-related moral panic, but the conversation's taking an interesting turn. To everyone who's bewildered by vaginal and rectal use, I suspect that it's being used to stretch a limited supply of EtOH by bypassing first-pass metabolism. I doubt the teenagers are thinking of it that way. Combine that with the natural teenage tendency to do stupid stuff, particularly when they think it will get them high, and this doesn't sound that implausible.

We tried with a pineapple and silver rum too but it didn't work very well. Pineapple isn't as porous as watermelon.
A number of Providence bars make "Stoli Doli" by slicing fresh pineapple and letting it sit in vodka for several days. I have yet to try it, as I can't afford those places, but I'm told it could almost be pineapple juice. You can infuse a lot of things that way; just make sure there's enough surface area and that they sit for a while.
yeah really. why not just put it in a water bottle and drinking it whenever if you are trying to not get caught. this all sounds like a waste of time.....

im surprised "butt hash" hasnt come up yet.....
I've been trying not to fan the flames of teenager-related moral panic, but the conversation's taking an interesting turn. To everyone who's bewildered by vaginal and rectal use, I suspect that it's being used to stretch a limited supply of EtOH by bypassing first-pass metabolism. I doubt the teenagers are thinking of it that way. Combine that with the natural teenage tendency to do stupid stuff, particularly when they think it will get them high, and this doesn't sound that implausible.

I'm a little surprised that vaginal works since the vagina isn't supposed to be very absorptive. Of course if the alcohol can make it through the cervix...

As far as Bum Rum (tm),* the inferior rectal plexus does not undergo first-pass metabolism, but the superior rectal plexus does drain the the hepatic portal system, thus undergoing first pass metabolism.

*I'm trade marking Bum Rum and Kootchie Cooler.
Find me a teenager who's concerned about first-pass metabolism,

Alcohol is not that hard to get. And anyone who knows about that metabolism doohickety also knows how to make alcohol...or crank.
Is anyone up to helping me with a clinical trial to bust, plausible, or confirm this?

I can't believe this thread is still going!
*I'm trade marking Bum Rum and Kootchie Cooler.

Bum Rum, also known as boofing around here. I don't think it's actually real, but that doesn't stop the rumors regarding a dorm room bathroom, funnel and Admiral Nelson Rum from circulating.

My man Admiral Nelson! The only *decent* plastic bottle alcohol I have ever tasted.