For the past 15 years law enforcement has been using the Cooper Institute Standards for phyiscal fitness as a way testing candidates. If you look it up, you will see they have a chart of standards based on gender and age.
Some agencies have entrance and exit requirements for the training academy.
From what I have heard, Fire Service and EMS are phasing that standard in.
It is based on a 1 1/2 mile run, sit and reach, sit-ups and bench press.
Nobody is ever going to run that far, or need to do sit-ups, it is merely a way to access general fitness in a fair handed way. And there probably is but I am not aware of any law enforcement organizations with in-service testing. However, I read somewhere that with the economy and more applicants and less funding, LEO, Fire and EMS will soon all use the Cooper Standard both when hiring, training, and yearly qualifying.
Perhaps your employer wants to avoid things like, IDK, like a too short person dumping the patient off a stretcher. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
In addition to stretching, start walking more, avoid the elevator, park in the far end of the lot, and stretch while waiting on line. Figure out how you are going to do it.