Northwest Arkansas EMT-B Student
My name is Chris but everybody just calls me by my last name, Fink.
I'm a laid back, 22yo EMT-B student.
Been a volunteer firefighter for about 3 years now.
I grew up in Washington D.C. and moved here to Northwest Arkansas in 2001.
I tend to be a little more mature and grown up than other guys my age which is a good and bad thing.
I'm extremely sarcastic and I don't get offended by much of anything.
I work full-time for one of the bigger Police/Fire/EMS services in the area as a 911 dispatcher.
It's given me a ton of knowledge and experience with all aspects of EMS but of course I prefer the fire/medical areas.
When I say bigger you need to understand that around here, the biggest city has maybe 100,000 people in it until you get down towards central Arkansas.
I have a lot of respect and admiration for my superiors - anybody who has been in the business awhile.
I'm just a fun-loving dude and I'm here to learn and contribute when I can.
I'm not a newbie to forums, just this one - I've been a Moderator at
YotaTech for about 4 years now and a member for 6.
I'm a Toyota truck/SUV freak - been working on and wheeling them since I was legal to drive and even a little bit before that.
When I'm off-duty I try to study a lot, hang out with friends/family, have the occasional "recreational beverage" and watch a little UFC when I can.
My biggest passion is the outdoors - 4wheeling, hiking, kayaking, camping, etc...
I also frequent the gym, a's my stress relief - a good two hours there and I'm ready for the next shift.
I've rambled enough - just one last thing...
Just because I live in Arkansas does not mean that I'm automatically a "hick" or a "redneck."
Yes, I might have a slight southern accent but I have never and never plan on having relations with any of my relatives and I have all of my teeth.
If you really want to know more, just ask.
Thanks for reading,