Yes, but do you go "Eww gross" in that patient's earshot?
I have....I've also vomited into that little step area next to the curbside door of the ambulance when a patient vomited on me once several years back.
Those who can't be patient advocates.
Depends on how you define "patient advocate". If you simply mean looking out for a patient's best interest, then I cheerfully agree. If you mean being Mother Teresa to even the most despicable pieces of human detritus (the drug dealers, the child molesters, the rapists, etc) then I think you are overestimating what our job description in EMS entails exactly.
Sometimes a spade is just a spade and you have to call it that and sometimes you have to simply except that it's not everyone's desire to change the world. Many of us are just in EMS as a job because we happen to be good at it and enjoy it enough to put up with the headaches. I get tired of hearing how we are all supposed to injury prevention advocating, human rights protecting, social injustice fixing
ubermenschen when in fact all we are required by the profession of EMS is to take care of those in our charge and be the best at it that we can achieve. If you choose to do more, then so be it, but please do not act like it is a mandate that everyone take part.
Anyone who stands in your way when you are trying to strive for goals that do not violate the social mores, laws and other doctrines of our culture is a fool, but the greatest fool is the one who fails to recognize that perhaps they are imbued by genetics, upbringing or some sort of higher power (should one choose to believe in that) with certain gifts or talents that make you specially suited to whatever tasks you find most interesting. This is especially the case when one does not see themselves as special and instead turns it into hate, distrust or disdain for their friends and colleagues. Maybe the ability to see a problem and pursue it with every fiber of one's being and every less molecule of energy is what makes one special: the drive to pursue things other see as pointless or at least not worth the effort. Maybe that is your calling to "the arena" as Roosevelt discussed in his famous
Citizenship in a Republic speech. I don't look around my fellow RTs and EMS professionals and go "Why aren't the rest of you lined up to do injury prevention research?" I realize that I'm little weird (ok, very weird) when it comes to my interests but I also recognize that people may not see the same benefit in spending their free time- precious as it is- in the same ways I chose to. To each and to their own....if you see value in something, go for it, but do not expend your time wondering why others may not see your point until it becomes blatantly obvious to them of the knowledge, wisdom or benefits that you have worked so hard to find for your fellow man.
Those that think it is okay to humiliate patients for lifestyle choices.
Once again- and I apologize for sounding like Clinton giving a deposition- but the answer depends on your definition of "lifestyle choices". If you're talking about sexuality, etc then it is wholly unprofessional to humiliate or ridicule someone for that. In fact, it's a huge character flaw to do that and should be a source of shame for anyone that engages in it. Now, if you're talking about things like prostitution, drug use, drug dealing, gang membership, smoking, obesity, etc....perhaps we should be less concerned with "humiliation" and less with fostering a feeling that it's OK to engage in these activities. People should be ashamed of them. Unless people call them on it- and often bluntly so- they don't learn that it's not acceptable to society as a whole. You don't have to be degrading about it, but they should be made to feel self-conscious about such actions in public at very least. One man's humiliation is simply another man's definition of self-awareness. If you feel humiliated for it, then obviously you were doing something wrong in the eyes of your social circle and need to reconsider what you are doing before it harms (or continues to harm) you and those around you.