The Gun Thread

Did my part to stimulate the economy and bought a new truck. Decided after that to jump in on a pre-order for a GSG552 at my local gun shop. Always wanted a little .22 plinker, something fun and cheaper to shoot. Pick it up Friday, and have to sneak it into the house so my wife doesn't kill me.


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New additions to the family:


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Ugh that SOCOM 😍 so much want.
Man, I freaking LOVE that rifle. I've actually had the SOCOM 16 (non-CQB version) for a while, but recently picked up the Archangel CQB stock. It completely transforms and modernizes the ergonomics and adds mounting points. I am a huge fan of the M14 platform and the .308 caliber. The thing is just TOUGH as hell. The factory muzzle brake on the SOCOM 16 controls recoil really well and the iron sights are surprisingly good. I'm a real sucker for old-school stuff that still works well.

I know they aren't cheap, but you can find decent deals if you look around. I highly recommend.

The M&P 15 is solid, I bought it because it happened to be on sale and I needed to add an AR to the collection already. I like it a lot but the SOCOM 16 is my SHTF gun for sure. :cool:
If the feds end up giving us a 4 month break from federal income tax, I'm going to buy all the guns.
Yay. New gun day. Forgot to order a 20moa scope base and the local shop only carries 0 moa. Thanks to amazon prime Ill get a scope mounted sunday. View attachment 4732
I had a vortex crossfire 4-12 to temporarily sit on this gun. It temporarily sat there a week and then I ordered a Vortex Viper PST 6-24 FFP.

Still havent shot it.
My next purchase will likely be a complete pistol kit from PSA.. I have a stripped lower sitting around since the last big "they're taking our guns" frenzy.. Might as well put it together..
@CALEMT @GMCmedic, et al

How does one know that I'm building an AR-15... because theres springs, pins, and detents flying everywhere and plenty of swear words.
Just started planning my first build, making a list of all the tools and components I need. I'm gonna start with an 80% lower. Going back and forth between getting a PSA upper for my first build, or spending some better coin and getting a BCM or Aero Precision. If I go the latter route then I'll always have the better quality upper. I don't mind spending extra on better components if they are worth it, but I'm definitely not trying to do a Gucci build. This will be mainly for plinking in my backyard and for the distraction / learning experience.

Most of it seems straightforward enough, but I don't even know where to start when it comes to like the trigger group and the other lower components.

Any advice?
@CALEMT @GMCmedic, et al

Just started planning my first build, making a list of all the tools and components I need. I'm gonna start with an 80% lower. Going back and forth between getting a PSA upper for my first build, or spending some better coin and getting a BCM or Aero Precision. If I go the latter route then I'll always have the better quality upper. I don't mind spending extra on better components if they are worth it, but I'm definitely not trying to do a Gucci build. This will be mainly for plinking in my backyard and for the distraction / learning experience.

Most of it seems straightforward enough, but I don't even know where to start when it comes to like the trigger group and the other lower components.

Any advice?

I have a complete BCM rifle and it is solid and worth every penny. Great quality for a reasonable price. Awesome company too.

If you don't already have one an AR pistol is a great build. My 10.3 is my go to rifle. Compact and portable while still being accurate and shootable. Or a 11.5in is a good middle ground.

The trigger is one thing I always spent good money on. I go with the Geissele SD-C

Except most of my setups would probably qualify as Gucci ha
Screenshot_2020-04-16  chasez3 • Instagram photos and videos(1).png
I have a complete BCM rifle and it is solid and worth every penny. Great quality for a reasonable price. Awesome company too.

If you don't already have one an AR pistol is a great build. My 10.3 is my go to rifle. Compact and portable while still being accurate and shootable. Or a 11.5in is a good middle ground.

The trigger is one thing I always spent good money on. I go with the Geissele SD-C

Except most of my setups would probably qualify as Gucci ha
I was actually initially planning on doing a pistol and have since decided to do a 16" barrel. Maybe I'll do a pistol next.
I was actually initially planning on doing a pistol and have since decided to do a 16" barrel. Maybe I'll do a pistol next.

I would say it depends on the intended use. Is this a home defense gun or a truck gun or a range blaster? IIRC ballistically with the 5.56/.223 the difference between a 10.3 and a 16 is ~500fps depending on what the barrel twist is and what ammo you're using. A 14.5 with the muzzle device being pined and welded will give you a >16 inch length... I believe its 16.1. A 13.7 with a pinned and welded muzzle device will give you 16" exactly.

A 11.5 or a 12.5 is a good middle of the ground barrel length. I was originally going to go with a 10.3 300 blackout with intentions to suppress it, but I don't feel like dealing with the ATF and the ungodly wait for a can. So I'm probably going to do either a 11.5 or a 13.7.

And @VFlutter I really dig that Geissele URGI upper.
I have a complete BCM rifle and it is solid and worth every penny. Great quality for a reasonable price. Awesome company too.

If you don't already have one an AR pistol is a great build. My 10.3 is my go to rifle. Compact and portable while still being accurate and shootable. Or a 11.5in is a good middle ground.

The trigger is one thing I always spent good money on. I go with the Geissele SD-C

Except most of my setups would probably qualify as Gucci ha
View attachment 4904

Oh that's pretty
BCM is good to go if you dont mind spending the cash. I have run a few PSA builds and theyve all been great, I even SBR'd one.

Triggers, for the money you cannot beat a Larue trigger.

Other parts are meh, most lower parts youll never notice a difference in. I choose to upgrade to FA BCG's and BCM charging handles.

As far as short barrels, I run a 10.5" 223. I currently have a 10" 300 blackout and i previously ran an 8 inch. Short barrels are a life changer.
I have a complete BCM rifle and it is solid and worth every penny. Great quality for a reasonable price. Awesome company too.

If you don't already have one an AR pistol is a great build. My 10.3 is my go to rifle. Compact and portable while still being accurate and shootable. Or a 11.5in is a good middle ground.

The trigger is one thing I always spent good money on. I go with the Geissele SD-C

Except most of my setups would probably qualify as Gucci ha
View attachment 4904

Def Gucci.... The guys on Seal Team would be jealous 🤣
A 11.5 or a 12.5 is a good middle of the ground barrel length. I was originally going to go with a 10.3 300 blackout with intentions to suppress it, but I don't feel like dealing with the ATF and the ungodly wait for a can. So I'm probably going to do either a 11.5 or a 13.7.
11.5 or 13.7 in 5.56?

If you mean in .300 blk, why would you use that long of a barrel?