The Gun Thread

Carlos Danger

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Is this permissible? A place to discuss (legal) shooting related sports and hobbies?
Is this permissible? A place to discuss (legal) shooting related sports and hobbies?

I surely hope so! Just got the call today my latest purchase is cleared for pickup after my 7 day waiting period. I am also in the market for a Scorpion Micro and I am kicking myself for not just buying it same day and putting them both on the same waiting period :(
Anyone have experience with Tikkas? I'm stongly considering a superlight, after dragging around a 12ish pound gun for just a few shots this season I'm a bit over my current setup.
Anyone have experience with Tikkas? I'm stongly considering a superlight, after dragging around a 12ish pound gun for just a few shots this season I'm a bit over my current setup.

I don't hunt, but my buddy owns a T3X and is super happy with it. Said it was one of the best shooting rifles outta the box he's ever bought for what thats worth. Only bolt gun I have is a 700sps, which I rarely ever shoot now a days because I moved a decent distance away from the outdoor range.
What unconstitutional communist state do you live in? #abolishwaitingperiods

Maryland unfortunately. That’s on top of already having an HQL license with live scan fingerprints on file just to purchase, and I also have my designated collectors license which exempts you from only purchasing one regulated firearm every 30 days but you still have to wait the 7 day “cooling off period”. So dumb.

I love this thread already. I lost my gun in a tragic boating accident though... sank to the bottom of the ocean. If I had any I sure would post ‘em, but I guess I’ll just talk shop with you guys.
Is this permissible? A place to discuss (legal) shooting related sports and hobbies?
This is an EMS forum, not a gun forum. In the past threads about guns have not ended well and resulted in some members receiving forum vacations.
This is an EMS forum, not a gun forum. In the past threads about guns have not ended well and resulted in some members receiving forum vacations.
I understand it’s an EMS forum. But there are plenty of other individual threads discussing things that aren’t directly EMS related.
Anyone have experience with Tikkas? I'm stongly considering a superlight, after dragging around a 12ish pound gun for just a few shots this season I'm a bit over my current setup.
No experience with them, but I’ve always heard good things about them.

What do you hunt with that weighs 12#?
I just want to get a bazooka.... for home defense, of course.... #merika
I notice a particular affection for the shooting sports and armed self-defense in EMS and ED workers, including open enthusiasm. Outside of those healthcare subgroups, I think the interest is still almost as high, but healthcare workers are less open for fear of being judged. We live with our noses pressed against the gritty reality of human existence, and also we walk alone in the dark to our cars at shift change.

My T3 Light is great for carrying on meandering routes offtrail in the mountains with a little slip of paper from Parks and Wildlife. You can't call what I do hunting, because that implies some hope of success.
I understand it’s an EMS forum. But there are plenty of other individual threads discussing things that aren’t directly EMS related.
I'm well aware of that. My response was meant as more of a warning about what will happen if this thread follows the other gun threads we've had. For now I see no problem with this thread which is why I did not lock it after my post.
An AR-10.
I see. Believe it or not I have zero experience with the AR platform aside from my time in the military.

I do plan to build both an AR15 and an AR10 this coming year. I have an M1A so I know all about weighty rifles. I love anything chambered in .308.
Build like 80% build? Or build like buy a completed lower?
Probably start with a complete lower my first time around. But I do love the idea of starting with an 80% lower and enjoying the benefits of that.
Ive been saving for a Bergara B-14 in 7mm to take out west. Now I cant find one local.
Once I'm not working 90 hr weeks to pay my old bills (20yr old Jim37F was a dumbass with credit... good news is I'm projecting paying off a significant portion of those this year...) I wanna jump thru my states very draconian anti gun laws to get.... Something.

I'm thinking an AR platform, either 5.56 or if the Army actually switches, 6.8 (eventually I'd like both... but for when I only have 1, I'd like to practice the same one I'd be using once I get my sheiße together and re-enlist lol).
Though theres a lot of different rifles that interest me. Off the top my head, M1, M1A, Mini14, Henry lever gun...

So same logic, a 9mm Sig pistol, and a 12g shotgun to round out my first few purchases would feel like a good foundation.

Theres an archery range on the far side of the island, maybe I'll pick up some bow stuff as well. Probably easier/cheaper to initially get into lol