the 100% directionless thread

Very true, but it's one of those little things... Like "50 shades of Grey", written by a Brit, set in Seattle. The incongruancies (among other things) made it a tough read.

But, it was immensely popular, so what do I know. Hahaha.
I'd take the steak with me and eat it on the way. No knife need. Just hold it with gloves and eat it like a sandwich. If I couldn't take it with me for some reason, I'd still sneak in a bite or two. :)
Well. I bought my first big boy car today. 2000 Infiniti g20t, sr20de with a 5 speed. 160k miles, clutch replaced last month, newish tires, rides pretty great. Bose system already installed and working ac. I forgot how nice those two things are after a year of motorcycles only.
My girly is making me take her on a date for the first time in ever though... She's always driven since she won't ride on a bike. Driving a date? I don't think I've ever done that...


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Well we got a new medical director :).... everyone is very excited about him. he has already given his phone number and email to some medics to get together and talk about some changes and there input. So far he said he wants to be up to the modern times and c spine is out of here :))) excited to see what happens in this coming yr.

Also he used to be on the ambo like us :) and flight :))
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Ok folks...some help please!...I'm writing a short story set in Chicago about an FF, and being a Kiwi that is no mean feat!
I'm assume a number of you EMS folk work with the FD. So I thought I'd ask you on here!....
What sort of meals do you get served up while on shift? ...Something that is commonly dished up!
Whatever we buy from the store, prep and cook up for ourselves. Meals on duty are our own (the crews) responsibility. In other words the city and department don't provide us meals. Typically there's a rotating roster of who on the crew is on cooking duty and they'll plan a meal, the crew (either the engine company or the ambulance) will go to the store, buy food using cash pooled from everyone (my station it's 8 bucks per person for dinner). If it gets too busy in the afternoon/ early evening to prep/cook it's not terribly uncommon for a crew to cut their losses and just eat out instead!

OK I did just notice your sameple paragraph...not too bad, though the second "Americanized" version does read better though there's still some regional slang, here it's the tones went off ("the bells bonged" sounds weird as heck to me lol) so no idea how exactly they'd word that in whatever part of the country you have in mind...if you can make the trip at all I'm sure they'd love to have you drop on by :)
Well. I bought my first big boy car today. 2000 Infiniti g20t, sr20de with a 5 speed. 160k miles, clutch replaced last month, newish tires, rides pretty great. Bose system already installed and working ac. I forgot how nice those two things are after a year of motorcycles only.
My girly is making me take her on a date for the first time in ever though... She's always driven since she won't ride on a bike. Driving a date? I don't think I've ever done that...

What kind of bike do you ride?
I am kinda b
Whatever we buy from the store, prep and cook up for ourselves. Meals on duty are our own (the crews) responsibility. In other words the city and department don't provide us meals. Typically there's a rotating roster of who on the crew is on cooking duty and they'll plan a meal, the crew (either the engine company or the ambulance) will go to the store, buy food using cash pooled from everyone (my station it's 8 bucks per person for dinner). If it gets too busy in the afternoon/ early evening to prep/cook it's not terribly uncommon for a crew to cut their losses and just eat out instead!

OK I did just notice your sameple paragraph...not too bad, though the second "Americanized" version does read better though there's still some regional slang, here it's the tones went off ("the bells bonged" sounds weird as heck to me lol) so no idea how exactly they'd word that in whatever part of the country you have in mind...if you can make the trip at all I'm sure they'd love to have you drop on by :)
Yep, "tone" or "page" is what I hear in my area.
Oi...I almost made that mistake once! Vicodin didn't touch the pain until paired with Tylenol...
vicodin has tylenol in it.. ;)
I bought a 2013 triumph street triple the day after Christmas this year. Overstock model so they had it marked down.

You live in the city? How is it riding a bike in the city? I am moving soon and I was considering buying either a 2015 Harley 1200 custom or a 2015 Indian Scout.
You live in the city? How is it riding a bike in the city? I am moving soon and I was considering buying either a 2015 Harley 1200 custom or a 2015 Indian Scout.
I've moved about 5 times in the past year, so I've had to deal with riding from rural areas, suburbs and riding in central phoenix.
City riding isn't that bad. Sitting in 110 degrees with an exhaust that let off right under my seat in stand still traffic... That was the only time it bothered me.
As far as regular city driving, it's really not bad. Just have to pay a lot more attention. The two times that cagers will merge into you in my experience is congested city driving or the on ramp to freeways.
I'm not too familiar with Harley's. I'm a fan of Indians, Polaris is doing a good job of improving their line up in my mind. The new dark horse styling is amazing to me. If a ton out of my price range.
I've ridden one Harley and I wouldn't of liked to of done it in congested traffic. Too heavy to flick out of the way, front brake was mushy... Just wasn't my favorite.
I'm completely biased though since I've only had a sport bike or a naked bike.
Do they normally prescribe narcs after wisdom teeth? I had all 4 of mine out when I was younger and I think all I took was ibuprofen.

I know it's normal to hurt some and feel like crap in general, but there might be something wrong if you are hurting that much?
Apparently everyone gets a script for 30?

It's much better today. I think being in and out of the trucks all day for inspections made the swelling much much worse. And when you have no calls and nothing to think about, things start to hurt more.
Getting ready to start their engines!!!!! So exciting :D Anyone else a diehard nascar fan? Who's your driver?
Lots of left hand turns? no thanks. I'm waiting for real racing to start lol