the 100% directionless thread

I am going full time. :)
Working my 24 with freshly removed wisdom teeth was/is a regrettable decision. What I would do for some opioid pain medication the toradol that the ER doc gave me is only barely knocking the edge down.
Oi...I almost made that mistake once! Vicodin didn't touch the pain until paired with Tylenol...
Worked a shift a couple days after getting braces. Nobody said it was going to hurt to eat solids for a week after. Liquid diets suck for working shifts
Working my 24 with freshly removed wisdom teeth was/is a regrettable decision. What I would do for some opioid pain medication the toradol that the ER doc gave me is only barely knocking the edge down.

Do they normally prescribe narcs after wisdom teeth? I had all 4 of mine out when I was younger and I think all I took was ibuprofen.

I know it's normal to hurt some and feel like crap in general, but there might be something wrong if you are hurting that much?
Do they normally prescribe narcs after wisdom teeth? I had all 4 of mine out when I was younger and I think all I took was ibuprofen.

I know it's normal to hurt some and feel like crap in general, but there might be something wrong if you are hurting that much?

My mrs manages a dental office, shes had 2 root canals done and is on hydrocodone herself at the moment...joys of babysitting.
Working my 24 with freshly removed wisdom teeth was/is a regrettable decision. What I would do for some opioid pain medication the toradol that the ER doc gave me is only barely knocking the edge down.
Think you managed to get dry socket? I did after I got my wisdom teeth out and was on a hiking trip to Rocky Mountain National Park with my girlfriend's family. I didn't bring my Vicodin since it didn't hurt badly at first and that turned out to be a bad choice. Those were some long days.

On the plus side, you can always call 911 at 0300 for a prescription pain med refill at the ED [emoji12]
Ok folks...some help please!...I'm writing a short story set in Chicago about an FF, and being a Kiwi that is no mean feat!
I'm assume a number of you EMS folk work with the FD. So I thought I'd ask you on here!....
What sort of meals do you get served up while on shift? ...Something that is commonly dished up!
Ok folks...some help please!...I'm writing a short story set in Chicago about an FF, and being a Kiwi that is no mean feat!
I'm assume a number of you EMS folk work with the FD. So I thought I'd ask you on here!....
What sort of meals do you get served up while on shift? ...Something that is commonly dished up!
Steak is a common one. There is only one way to cook a steak.
...Vicodin already has acetaminophen in it. Gotta be careful when you start stacking more Tylenol on top of it.

Ha, the stupid nurse told me to! I guess im ok this was a couple year's ago but I didn't even think about that. I was literally in tears the pain was so bad...I instantly regretting getting it done tbh
Here you go....this what I have written.......just for you!

Back at the station one of the crew cooked up steak and fries.

Franco was looking forward to chowing down on his dinner. He had got really cold on the last job and a hot meal was a welcoming sight. Sadly, that wasn’t going to happen. The minute he took his knife and cut through the succulent slice of beef, another call came in to attend a fire at an apartment building a few blocks from the station.

“One of these days at meal time, I’m going to cut the power to that @#$%^ thing!’ he stated loudly, as he scrapped his chair back with force and followed the rest of the crew to the truck. He knew by the time he got back to the steak it would be as tough as his leather boots.
Here you go....this what I have written.......just for you!

Back at the station one of the crew cooked up steak and fries.

Franco was looking forward to chowing down on his dinner. He had got really cold on the last job and a hot meal was a welcoming sight. Sadly, that wasn’t going to happen. The minute he took his knife and cut through the succulent slice of beef, another call came in to attend a fire at an apartment building a few blocks from the station.

“One of these days at meal time, I’m going to cut the power to that @#$%^ thing!’ he stated loudly, as he scrapped his chair back with force and followed the rest of the crew to the truck. He knew by the time he got back to the steak it would be as tough as his leather boots.

This stuff always cracks me up, the phrasing is so distinctly un-American. With only three graphs, it clear that it was written by someone not in the states.
This stuff always cracks me up, the phrasing is so distinctly un-American. With only three graphs, it clear that it was written by someone not in the states.
Ok... so how would you write it? Given that I have already run this by an ex-FF from Ohio! ;)
Firefighters in the US don't "attend" fires. In the US, we don't normally say "at meal time". And "cut the power" is a distinctly British turn of phrase.

Back at the station, a couple of the rescue guys had grilled steaks and just pulled foil wrapped baked potatoes out of the oven.

Franco was looking forward to dinner, that last job had been pretty cold and he still couldn't feel the tips of his toes. Sadly, a hot meal wasn't in the plans for tonight. Just as he picked up his fork and knife, the bells started to bong, this time for a structure fire in an apartment complex, where residents were known for burning trash in the stairwells.

"Christ!," Franco exclaimed as he scraped his chair back from the table angrily. "One of these days I'm going to rip the wires out of that ****ing thing" as he glanced balefully at the squawking PA speaker on the wall.
Firefighters in the US don't "attend" fires. In the US, we don't normally say "at meal time". And "cut the power" is a distinctly British turn of phrase.

Back at the station, a couple of the rescue guys had grilled steaks and just pulled foil wrapped baked potatoes out of the oven.

Franco was looking forward to dinner, that last job had been pretty cold and he still couldn't feel the tips of his toes. Sadly, a hot meal wasn't in the plans for tonight. Just as he picked up his fork and knife, the bells started to bong, this time for a structure fire in an apartment complex, where residents were known for burning trash in the stairwells.

"Christ!," Franco exclaimed as he scraped his chair back from the table angrily. "One of these days I'm going to rip the wires out of that ****ing thing" as he glanced balefully at the squawking PA speaker on the wall.

Well thanks for the heads up...I'll take that into consideration...given that it may well be read on Youtube by an American! But if I use all your words it is not my work! :)