the 100% directionless thread

So I've decided. Screw being a paramedic where I can barely make enough to live comfortably. I realised I would be just as happy being a PCP Pediatric MD. As long as I can get the funds together, I will be starting back in school this fall to get an AS at community college, then a BS at a uni. Then to try to get into med school.

I've always wanted to be an MD, but never pursued it. I was thinking the other day, why not? What's really holding me back from doing it.
The worlds greatest race starts in an hour! :D:D
So I've decided. Screw being a paramedic where I can barely make enough to live comfortably. I realised I would be just as happy being a PCP Pediatric MD. As long as I can get the funds together, I will be starting back in school this fall to get an AS at community college, then a BS at a uni. Then to try to get into med school.

I've always wanted to be an MD, but never pursued it. I was thinking the other day, why not? What's really holding me back from doing it.
I've got the same thought, other than the fact I feel like I'm too old to go back lol.
I was online taking some practice NREMT-B tests...and doing horribly.
I have my written test this coming Friday...I am officially starting to freak out over this.

I sailed through my practical exam, got a 96-97% in class.....
What the hell is going on with me? I am getting about a 70% avearge on these online practice tests...

Crap. I have a job offer as a part time EMT with a local dept...I don't want to fail on the test.

Maybe I just need to breathe more and study up on some problem areas....

Just venting y'all. thanks for listening
I wish my TX medic card would get here already... I'm ready for a change in scenery... I have my NM card, waiting on CO and TX right now.
I thought you were heading to Indiana.

That was the plan initially... until I found out the girl I was going to move there for was a compulsive liar who I split up with. IEMS still sounds fun, but I'd much rather go back to TX or CO.
24 Heures du Mans...also known as Le Mans.

Been watching this race for years, one day I'm going to attend.

And I have decided that since I'm on shift...I'm going to watch all 24 hours of it...or at least the remaining 21 hours :P

And thoughts and prayers to your friend L&S, I wish him a quick recovery!
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It's sad how many people who are sitting for certification exams don't take the time to learn about test question construction...

Every summer my city decides to catch on fire. Had a small 30 acre fire yesterday. And today we have a 300 acre fire (as of right now). Around 10 aircraft and 255 firefighters on the ground. Fun, fun, and more fun.
According to Grey's you can have a GCS of 1 4 7 lol

Every summer my city decides to catch on fire. Had a small 30 acre fire yesterday. And today we have a 300 acre fire (as of right now). Around 10 aircraft and 255 firefighters on the ground. Fun, fun, and more fun.

Its up to 600 as of 25 mins ago.