the 100% directionless thread

Hey its one of three large metro agencies i wouldn't mind working for (denver and austin being the other two)
What an awesome mom!

Yea she got swindled but at least now you have a really nice scope.

We don't wear scrubs but they make awesome pajamas!

a tech last night was teasing me saying... you look like someone.... i can't say who...

then she busts out, YOU LOOK LIKE A DAMN EMT.

yeah. i don't like to wear pajamas at work.
a tech last night was teasing me saying... you look like someone.... i can't say who...

then she busts out, YOU LOOK LIKE A DAMN EMT.

yeah. i don't like to wear pajamas at work.

You should go with nursing whites, including the little hat.
Hmmm after talking to a transfer from Vegas... doing an internal transfer to Medic West sounds kinda fun...

I'm going to be doing my internship out there. Do eet so you can precept me :P
I'm going to be doing my internship out there. Do eet so you can precept me :P
Lol I have to be a medic for a year before I can get a student :p
are you hitting on me? gross!
Hmmm after talking to a transfer from Vegas... doing an internal transfer to Medic West sounds kinda fun...

I hear ya. MW has always been high on my list of agencies that I'd like to work for. I've got too nice of a setup here though and I love working here so I don't think I'll be going anywhere for a while.

You should go with nursing whites, including the little hat.

It's posts like this that make me wish there was a "like" button on here :rofl:
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Since the picture didn't post in my last post...

There, I had to rehost it... :-(
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I will not call the pilot a self-centered uneducated bus driver.
That awkward moment when your partner tells you that she transferred a patient with a "SubDERMAL HemaCOMA" and you correct her, which makes for a horrible 10 hours remaining of your shift.
30 mins back at work and I already want to go back to the trails/camp.

Apparently the past 2 days while I consumed excessive quantities of beer and put new dents in my truck the county went to crap. Glad I missed it.
How should I use my EMTLife stickers? :)
How should I use my EMTLife stickers? :)

Well you could do this


But be warned it's a slippery slope because 6 months later after too much coffee and amazon 1 click you might end up with this :)


Just saying ;)
I think the only responsible answer is to deface something at work. Be a team player.

Yeah all the cool kids are doing it! I suggest the door of the fridge cuz its really hard to remove it. Bathroom mirror is good too ;)

Note EMTLIFE management does not condone defacement of property nor does it encourage it's members to do anything that might get them fired.

P.s. if you stick it on something really interesting at work (fridge, truck, sleeping supervisor) there might be a special prize in it for you if you post a pic.
That was the plan initially... until I found out the girl I was going to move there for was a compulsive liar who I split up with. IEMS still sounds fun, but I'd much rather go back to TX or CO.

Come to TX man! I'm moving down here in September. I know its a huge state.....but anyhow.....