the 100% directionless thread

Warning...its a directionless thread, so...

Here goes a RHETORICAL rant (meaning no comments necessary)

How the heck do people complete school (EMT) and not know where to test, when to test, how to maintain their cert.

Even worse, how come people come on internet forums where any answer has the potential of being 100% wrong and ask questions about their certs and how to maintain them instead of going to the regulating body, you know, the DIRECT source with the best information and get it all there.

Has it become too difficult to click or search for ANY website that is not in your favorites?

I mean medical discussions, ok...but when it comes to your livelihood, your very cert that allows you to do what you do...Take Some Initiative and show some Responsibility!!!

Ok, rant over...just frustrated. I am not that old but I seem to get more and more frustrated with the "younger" kids in EMS each year.

i agree with you on the hod didnt they learn that in school bit.

the reason peopl post threads like that here is because we indulge them. why involve google and a pad and paper when you can come here, write out a question and no matter what it is or how many times its been covered, a dozen people will jump right up and do you research for you. this is half of what ive have been trying to do for months. but nobody seems to understand that if you do someone work for them once, they will be back for more. sorry, but when people want me to do work fo rthem, they pay me.
a dozen people will jump right up and do you research for you.

I'm guilty of that because I love looking for answers if I don't know the correct answer. I like helping people! =(
well as if my weekend wasnt rough enough, my christmas dinner menu just fell to pieces.

just great.......................
Just finished making the last of the Christmas cookies, and all of the presents are wrapped and under the tree. Yay! I think I am pretty much done and ready for Christmas!
Went christmas shopping with my mom. Yuck. 6 hours of shopping. I could have caught up on some much needed sleep. At least I know what I'm getting for christmas now.
I don't know how to search this one....

What is the record for number of posts in the same topic for this forum?
I am at home, wrapping presents.... I don't work Christmas this year :D waahoo
I've never dropped a pager/cell in the toilet, but I did go swimming with my old cell on my shorts pockets. It was a really really hot day, and I couldn't wait any longer to get in the water.. oh and the sand was giving my feet second degree burns.

I dropped my pager into a hot burned out stump on a wildlandfire once. :blush: Ruined.
HEY! It's 0550. WAKE UP EVERYONE! What do you need sleep for!?!
I just watched Burn After Reading... horrible movie. Don't watch it.

I am in love with Brad Pitt. He's my future ex common law husband.
I'd also like to add that I can't breathe through my nose.

I'm siiiiick :[ Quick, someone fetch the phone, call 911, and follow me to the hospital in their POV!
You are in luck.

I am well versed in mouth to nose resuscitation.
I was totally catching ZZZZZz
OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! Someone take these screaming fighting kids!!! There is no school and no work. Can't they for once sleep in past 6am
I am watching the painters, hoping they finish today like they said they would....
So, here in Northern Alberta, we are reaching the end of a cold snap that has been averaging -36C. That's -33F for those not on Metric. And all that before it was officially winter. I went outside for 5 minutes and couldn't feel my ears.

On a different note, my good deed for Christmas went something like this: We had a Long-distance transfer to take a gentleman in his 80's for a head CT. As it turns out, his wife of over 55 years is at the same hospital doing Rehab for post CVA. Long story short, we were able to arrange about an hour of together time for them since they hadn't seen each other in over 2 weeks. The longest they had been apart previously in those 55+ years was a couple of days. It was the most touching thing I have ever seen in my life. And it nearly broke my heart when I had to tell them it was time to go.