the 100% directionless thread

Special, "I can count to potato" special?

Special as in unique. My mommy told me so.

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It's gonna be one of those days today, I keep messing up on just the basic operations :(
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So some :excl::excl::excl::excl: kids decided to start a port-a-crapper on fire today. Honestly what is the point of that?
Why do people in emergency services somehow think that because they voluntarily took on the risks inherent of their voluntarily chosen career, that they should be put on a pedistal?

Why do people in emergency services somehow think that because they don't make the top 10 list for "dangerous jobs" based on fatality, that basing it on fatality is somehow misleading? Do we really want to say, "Hey, look, it's not fair that we don't suck at risk mitigation?"

Is a provider who insists on being placed on a pedestal because they work in emergency services anyway different than uppity physicians who think they are unquestionable simply because they are a physician? If it's widely recognized that physicians who act like that resemble the South-bound end of a North-bound horse, then shouldn't the same be said about emergency providers who think that they need to proclaim how much of a "hero" they are because of the career they choose with their own free will?

Because a large chunk of the population in general and a significant number of the people we share our field with (I refrain from calling them colleagues for a reason) are simply insecure and often frankly pathological tools. At one end of the spectrum you simply have the folks who wear their fire and EMS shirts while off duty and have their trucks plastered with decals and lights. At the other end you have the likes of the couple of members on here whose claims of being medics were not based on anything approaching the truth.
Irony, redefined: USAFMEDIC45 getting selected to give a lecture on ethics. *evil laugh*
Irony, redefined: USAFMEDIC45 getting selected to give a lecture on ethics. *evil laugh*

One of the few things I've actually laughed out loud at
Yeah, welcome to next week's plans.

The comments of the LAFD captain who led his men into this disaster and his description of how they treated the remains of the dead are worth watching.
usafmedic45 said:
The comments of the LAFD captain who led his men into this disaster and his description of how they treated the remains of the dead are worth watching.

What part am I looking for? Don't feel like spending 45 minutes watching it. :unsure:

Never mind, found it.
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Double post, but an O2 tank blows at about 19 seconds

Can i be part of the cool kids club?

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
I'll stay out of the cool kids club then.