the 100% directionless thread

Used a TIC to scan an accident scene and actually found a body. Shocked me.

Wear your seat belts, everybody. She totally would have survived if she'd have been restrained.
Lights has entered the aerospace industry....

Glad to know I'm not the only one designing and building things that I intend to fly.....
Two wives go out for girls night. Both got drunk, started walking home and had to pee. They stopped at a cemetery but had nothing to wipe with. One used her panties the other grabbed a wreath off a grave. The next morning one husband called the other and said, "no more girls night out! my wife came back with no panties." The other husband said, "you think that's bad? mine came back with a card in her @$$ crack that read 'from all of us at the fire station... we'll never forget you."

(No disrespect to anyone in EMS, but just funny not to pass up)
Stole off facebook
This is one of those nights where we are playing musical posts and keep missing all the runs.

Sometimes (many nights) those are nice nights, especially if you're teching for the night!

Sent from my out of area communications device.
This is one of those nights where we are playing musical posts and keep missing all the runs.

No Runs +Posting = No Fun!!!!
Nothing like getting threatened by an emotionally unstable, pathological liar to top off an otherwise fun night. LOL
Sounds like somebody watched October Sky one too many times, lol.

I wanna play!

Actually I've never seen that. Is it any good?

Sure you cab come play!

My goal is to build a rocket completely by hand, including the engine(s) and shoot aerial video with it.
No Runs +Posting = No Fun!!!!

Especially when your post is 3 miles from your station with air conditioning, TV, wifi, and beds. And you have no contracts. And your call volume is around 70 a month.
Especially when your post is 3 miles from your station with air conditioning, TV, wifi, and beds. And you have no contracts. And your call volume is around 70 a month.

70 a month? Our last call before midnight was 105. Think we are up to call number 5 for today
70 a month? Our last call before midnight was 105. Think we are up to call number 5 for today

I think I ran three this week. It's what happens when your IFT company doesn't have a marketer :rofl:
So I'm new to this forums and just got my primary care paramedic (EMT) license. I'm approved to do additional skills such as 12-leads, king tubes, entonox, cpap, and foley caths. Any other places have similar or more scope of practice at basic level?
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I believe Canadian protocols are fairly standard across the board. In the US, you won't find many EMT-Bs doing Foleys or CPAP. Nitrous is also not terribly common down here either.
70 a month? Our last call before midnight was 105. Think we are up to call number 5 for today

I feel you! we average 10-14 calls a day per unit. Times that by ~17 day units and ~ 12-14 night units...