the 100% directionless thread


Forum Chief
What he said ^

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Forum Deputy Chief
Man this cool weather is awesome. Screw summer.

First day in the new job. This should be interesting.

Sent from my electronic overbearing life controller


Forum Ride Along
I hear that. It was hitting 113 here a week or two ago. Killer stuff.
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Forum Deputy Chief
Just Browning Around

"I hate this place" said Black
"I know how you feel" agreed Brown, as he held up a long, thin plastic thing "Whats this?"
Black flicked the ash off his fag, "its an elastic gum bougie you twit"
"True" said Brown "you ever RSI anybody?"
Black laughed and took another suck on his fag "yeah, a few hundred people"
"Interesting" awed Brown "how long you been doing this Black?"
"Since 1994" answered Black as he lit another fag, he motioned 'you want one?' to Brown
"No thanks" said Brown "you know that'll kill you"
Black almost choked on his laughter "Yeah, well something better, I told you, I hate this place!"
"Why do you say that mate?" quizzed Brown, as he picked a Miller blade from the floor and put it back in the intubation roll "Oh, your blades are all nunngered up, I'm sorting them out for you"
Black rolled his eyes "you know how they go?"
"Yeah I know how they go mate, size 0 to size 4, Miller and Mac, you know Mac was a Kiwi eh?" replied Brown
Black raised an eyebrow "You like this ambo crap don't you Brown?"
"Something like that" replied Brown, raising an eyebrow, "replaced the batteries in the Lifepak too, I think one from Mt Wellington station is in there"
"What did you do before this" asked Brown
Black took a hit of his fag and scratched his *** "You know, lots of things, immeadiately before this I sold car parts, what about you Brown, what you done besides this"
Brown shrugged "Lots of things; been a cook, worked with kids at camp, been a computer technician, worked for an airline, packed boxes, worked for [the DMV], done lots of thngs"
"How old are you agian mate, 30?" scoffed Black
Brown laughed "Nah mate, I'm 24, I've been working since I was 17"
Black shrugged and adjusted his belt "fair enough then, hows those blades going?"
Brown closed up the intubation roll and clipped it back together "Good mate, your EOD is in there again now, fell out, you think they'd give us a better intubation roll"
Black laughed "You would think a lot of things mate, tell me Brown, you're [not an Intensive Care Paramedic] how you know all this medical stuff?"
Brown shrugged and sat down on the running board "Who knows mate, it just comes naturally, its a hobby"
Black looked at Brown a bit oddly and took another hit on his fag "You have other hobbies right mate?"
Brown laughed "sure do mate, I like cooking, planes, going to the gym, reading and y'know just Browning around, bit of a computer geek"
Black laughed real hard and had to keep the fag in his mouth from falling out "You better go to the gym more mate, you're a skinny little bugger!"
Brown gave Brown the finger "shut up!"
Black lit his fag again "Tell me, that old girl, you two were like a pair of old women, you talk to people real well mate, where'd you pick that up?"
Brown sighed "Well that mate, is an interesting story. My dad was a meth cook, my mum was mental, my step dad was pretty out of it sometimes on benzos and methadone, I've seen a lot of out of it things, you just don't want to know"
Black looked rather suprised "You don't say mate, bloody hell would have never guessed that in a million years, I bet that is why not a lot seems to bother you?"
Brown nodded "Oh yeah mate, nothing gets to me, like you know, on the surface I can handle anything, thats why the stuff you see out on the road never really bothered me, guts and blood and bits and pieces its like yeah whatever, seen worse"
Black looked at Brown rather intently "Too true mate, bloody hell that's buggered, nobody should have to see that stuff as a kid"
Brown nodded once again "Oh yeah bro, nobody should have to go through what I have been through, nobody, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy"
Black flicked the ash off his fag and checked his phone "We still got ten minutes of our break, so tell me Brown, how is that you seemed to be normal?"
Brown laughed real hard "Bloody hell mate, those fags are messing with your brain, Brown ain't normal, really mate, cried myself to sleep lots of nights"
Black laughed "Sorry, that wasn't meant to sound rude, but I knew you were a girl"
Brown nodded "Oh yeah mate, I'm a girl alright, just ask my sister, she will tell you!"
Black laughed "Is your sister normal?"
"Nah" said Brown "well she is, but you know, she got it worse than me in some ways, you know, she saw some worse things than me, me, I got it worse mentally"
Black walked over and put the head of his stethoscope on Brown's shaved head "Yeah, figures, I hear a pretty abormal rhythm there, whatsay we hook the monitor up and see for sure?"
Brown snapped "funny"
Black looked at Brown in the eye "look I was joking, I'm sorry"
Black laughed "mate I was screwing with you, don't worry, I am not the sensitive type, if I was do you think I would be here doing this?"
Black stubbed out his fag "No, I suppose not, that must have been interestng for you, you seem to have handled it well"
Brown shrugged "Yeah sometimes I suppose, taught me a good deal about life and whatnot"
Black put the butt of his fag in the bin "What do you want out of life Brown?"
Brown handed Black an empty candy wrapper out his pocket and motioned for Black to put it in the bin too "Nothing much mate, family, kids, you know, be happy, I've been crapped on pretty bad sometimes"
Black laughed "You think kids make you happy?"
Black shook his head 'no' - "Not at all but you know what I mean"
Black nodded "Yeah I do, you're a good bloke Brown, you're a nice person, shame you had to see that stuff"
Brown shrugged "I suppose, I try to be, unlike Arsehole and his mate over there" Brown motioned in the direction of another crew changing their stretcher linen
Black shruged "Don't worry about them mate, they don't like people very much"
Brown laughed "True that, but that guy is an arsehole, he'll get his"
Black nodded "Yep" as he tied his boot up
A loud buzzing interrupted Brown as he caught a glimpse of something flashing red out the corner of his eye, Black knew instinctivly what it was and headed towards the drivers seat
"Hmm, looks like 10 (chest pain), eighty six year old female" said Brown checking the MDT as he found his seat belt
Black gunned the engine "that'll be a good chance for you to get your talk on"
Brown hit the red lights as Black got moving and laughed "Yeah something like that, I like those old ladies, good fun to talk to"
Black nodded "Yeah that they are, don't worry mate, one day you'll be old then you can tell me about your grandkids when I come to your chest pain"
Brown flipped through the map book "Go up here, go left at the lights, then second left, second left"
Black alternated between yelp and fazer "Two left turns"
Brown rubbed his face "Yeah I hope you are right Black, and if you come to my chest pain I'm going to be real crook just to bugger you, like that old girl out South Simon had awhile ago, remember her?"
Black nodded "Bugger me mate, she was crook, you do that to me you're getting a line full of suxamethonium"
Brown had a gorp in the mirror "Nothing coming mate, just go through the give way here"
Black nodded "Yeah yeah, says Mr I haven't even done the driving course yet"
Brown laughed "Yeah, whatever, it's not mandatory until next year, I can still terrorise you for a while yet"
Black laughed too "Yeah someting like that"
Brown put the map book back in the console "Up here on the right, see, there we go, got a windmiller (person waving the ambulance down)"
Black slowed up and pulled over to the side of the road by the person pointing up a driveway "Park out front you reckon Brown?"
Brown nodded, grabbing a pair of gloves out the box in the centre console "Yeah ... City 3 locating"

That's enough browning around for today
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Forum Angel
Cold Weather...

Cider mill, hoodies, cuddling, fireplaces, long walks.


Sweaty, sandy, don't touch me I'm hot, grossness


Forum Angel
Just did my Fantasy Football Draft lol

Kinda exciting. I feel like a dork.


I think Brown should write more often. Start a blog. It could help you. You are a very good writer.


Anything but late summer or late winter is a good season, and in the low to mid 70's. :D


Forum Culinary Powerhouse
Shower's broken at station. Not enough time between shifts to go home. Baby wipe shower for me :ph34r:


You have my stapler
First part of interview seems to have gone well, one gaffe, but recovered well. Written test was easy. We'll see if I get a callback.


Doogie Howser FP-C
So I worked a 12 on Friday, then a 24 on Saturday, then a 24 yesterday, and now I'm getting called in for a 12 tonight, a 12 tomorrow, and then a 24 the next's been a long week

Btw, good luck usalsfyre!


Forum Deputy Chief
I think Brown should write more often. Start a blog. It could help you. You are a very good writer.

Why thank you, but who in the bloody hell would want to here what Brown has to say for himself? Brown just is not that popular, its OK Brown can admit it :p


Forum Angel
Id read it. And it can be for you. Not anyone else


The Truth Provider
Brown thinks he might just brown around here a bit longer

Once what in the bloody hell a Brown is is figured out

We all know what a brown is because we all take the browns to the super bowl daily.


Forum Chief
Weeelll dont be afraid of the dark made me afraid. Screamed like six times. Now waiting for lunch at crispers.

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Forum Deputy Chief
Should know sometime today if I got the job...


Forum Chief
I found the dirty book section of borders...

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