Ok...so I raise my own beef and chicken. I only eat fish I catch myself (or that family and friends catch). I raise my own layer hens. I raise my own pigs (well, actually a neighbor about a mile away does, but for the purpose of my point it's just as good.)
I just watched a video that would make me (and should make every American) want to become a raw food only vegan in protest. Aside from the fact I raise my own meat, I would. I plan on not eating any meat now unless I raised it myself.
I don't remember what it was called. I'm still looking for it again. I was crying too hard to remember much except what I was watching. It was a video about 10-15 minutes long about how horribly animals are treated in feed lots, hatcheries, and processing plants. In one clip, a worker had smuggled a camera into a chicken hatchery in Iowa, where sick baby chicks and all the male chicks were dumped into a huge meat grinder, alive, because they are of no value in the egg industry. There was another clip of a cow that broke through a fence panel at a processing plant and got it's leg broken by workers trying to heard it back. The poor cow could not walk and they still were beating it to try to get it to move. Eventually they bring out a forklift and accidentally spear the cow trying to pick it up. Then they carry it, still alive and bellowing and still speared completely through off the frame of the camera.
God it makes me sick. I suppose there is a reason many famous authors have made comments about one of the first major downturns in a nations social status is when it treats animals in such a horrible manner.