Yesterday I asked if we get holiday pay for easter.
We don't.
Can you effing believe that!?
The higher up didn't take kindly to me going "WTF!? It's a god holiday!! You're disrespectin' jesus!"
(PS I'm an agnostic.)
Seriously though, we get paid for memorial day and labor day. Why? It's not like people actually go "Let's spend labor day bonding with the fam!" Generally, it's just a day off of work, while Easter is an actual holiday with activities and family togetherness. Shouldn't you get paid extra for that? Boo.
Boss was handing out the latest memo, this one saying that there's no more easter holiday pay. hands me mine. i read it. asks me if i wanna do a double of OT 8a-midnight on easter. i lol'd and walked out of the room