the 100% directionless thread

Spent 6 hours in an airport.

Nice. Where you going? Delayed flights?

My favorite was spending almost 14 hours stuck in the Sea Tac airport.:angry:
Heading to the beach tomorrow, yessss!
Nope was dropping a pt off. Shift scratched tomorrow and strangely im ok because that means beach time!
I'm listening to the tv and doing homework when I hear

"Just open your jacket and let a badge jump out"

It had my complete undivided attention after that lol.
Should be going to bed instead of playing on YouTube... work a 24 tomorrow.
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No drag queens tonight.
Brown is in San Fransisco? How come Brown didn't invite me to In-N-Out?! :(
Why do MA, KY and VA think they are so special they have to be Commonwealths and not states?

Says the guy from a country smaller than 6 of our states and part of a Commonwealth.

According to Wikipedia, it emphasizes the common consent of the governed. Clearly, the author behind that has never been to Massachusetts.
no beach for me today... maybe friday. Sigh.