the 100% directionless thread

Perhaps Brown should go sit in the corner and read Hop on Pop or something?

That's not a bad choice, since Mrs Brown has delegated all feedings and changings to Brown

you're going to hop on pop??? You're really not helping your case here.
you're going to hop on pop??? You're really not helping your case here.

Brown never finished law school so ..... yeah so much for a good defence

How about this, Brown is going to go and find Sasha and Mrs Brown whatever they want?
You just talked about another guy loving you....
Mrs Brown got a big fat tax refund hmm Brown wonders what Brown is going to get as a suprise

Sent from Brown's smartypants GTI-5580 Android using Tapatalk
Mrs Brown got a big fat tax refund hmm Brown wonders what Brown is going to get as a suprise
Brown should just plead the fifth

I just absolutely laughed out at this. In the library. Was not expecting that, especially when you pair it to what Brown said

Holding my application for P school. I reaaaaally want the experience of it and to do it, and if I do I can bridge to RN in Jackson, MS and then take online classes at USM and have a BSN. But if I did that, I feel that I'd be bailing on the idea of going to med school :/

This doesn't begin to capture how close I am right now... I could throw a football, and hit it.
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May I present San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.,-117.555685&spn=0.008369,0.01929&t=h&z=16

Note the major freeway just north of the facility (1 of 2 North/South freeways connecting San Diego County to the rest of California), and the public state beach immediate to the south at the bottom of the bluffs on both the East and West sides of the facility.

San Onofre, California's tribute to Dolly Parton.

I could have thrown a football and hit it. That was just the closest I felt comfortable taking a picture, without ticking off the guard with the gun at the gate. Lol
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I could have thrown a football and hit it. That was just the closest I felt comfortable taking a picture, without ticking off the guard with the gun at the gate. Lol

Is badger season open there?
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I'm narrowing down the field with the new job search.

Hopefully I'll have some good news in a week or two!

May I present San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.,-117.555685&spn=0.008369,0.01929&t=h&z=16

Note the major freeway just north of the facility (1 of 2 North/South freeways connecting San Diego County to the rest of California), and the public state beach immediate to the south at the bottom of the bluffs on both the East and West sides of the facility.

San Onofre, California's tribute to Dolly Parton.

The beach at San Onofre is one of the most popular surfing spots in San Diego. I surfed there a few times, nice break, but the drive is bit too long for me.