And we are rapidly approaching 8k posts.
On another note, I suppose I should get this house cleaned since my parents are coming home after two weeks out of town and me watching my sisters.

Ohhhh boy. What a mess.
And I have to work a 24 starting tonight.
And the driveway needs to be plowed.
And I lost my credit card.
But I did get a 99 in basic computer science. (An easy elective....heh heh heh. I love easy electives.)
And I did get my iPhone working again. (Stupid SIM cards)
Ok, here is a list for you.
1. Last thing I ate: Macaroni and Cheese. (Homemade of course.)
2. Last movie I watched: Inception
3: Contents of my left pocket: A pen, some chap-stick, a crumpled piece of paper with the tire store phone number on it, my truck key.
4: My t-shirt color: Navy blue
5: Am I wearing a watch? No
6: Last person I talked to on the phone: My best friend
7: Is there snow on the ground outside? Yes
8: On duty right now? Not yet. At 1800
9: Favorite color: Blue
Is that random enough?