the 100% directionless thread

I'm sick. I don't want to go to work. But I called out Saturday because I was sick. Yet I'm still just as sick as I was Saturday.

Maybe if I wander around and look pathetic and ill they'll offer to send me home with pay.... (Shut up it's worth a shot.)

you dont get paid sick leave? we gdt 10 days a yea
Ugh... heading to the hospital. I hate going there when I'm off duty. Doctors suck
Brown is falln asleep at work and would go home but Mrs Brown would tell him to harden up then moan about being hormonal and crampy

You're not a doctor yet, so you don't suck :p Besides it's mainly the old doctors we have that are so stuck in their way it's not funny
I'm a Catholic. I believe in God, even if I have my doubts at times at the plans that they have. However, we're having a debate about matter/big bang/ God on another forum, and something has always itched at my mind.

Even if you DON'T believe in God, or some other superior being, where did this all begin? Where did the matter that made up the 'big bang' first come from? How could it just "poof" exist one day? How did something literally come from nothing? Everything HAS to have a beginning, even God / a god, does it not?

It blows my mind to truly think about it at times.

One thing when I was a churchgoer that I remember was that God has been around forever, according to faith. Why does the universe need a beginning, why couldn't it have always been around?

There is a part of physics that says things pop in and out of existence all the time. No, I don't know how it works or how to describe it really, but apparently it does provide a force on a cosmological scale. Things like this also provide a reason, I think it's what I've read, that explains why galaxies not only are moving away from us, but are accelerating in this expansion.

Oh, and another part of physics says you could *pouf* into existence, in a room, with all of your memories of your life, knowing you've lived for years, while in "reality" you've only been around for a few seconds.

Humans as a species aren't anywhere near the border of knowing everything there is to know in this universe, or even if we could possibly be capable of understanding it.
Does anyone else out there know how to play pinochle? I am the only one out of 8 people in the day room who knows how. Darn.
Does anyone else out there know how to play pinochle? I am the only one out of 8 people in the day room who knows how. Darn.
Played it once at a station. The crew taught me, and I was lost most of the game. I don't remember how to play it though.
Brown just whipped up another batch of lovingly crafted homemade sundried tomato and basil hummus .... mmmm tasty
Brown just whipped up another batch of lovingly crafted homemade sundried tomato and basil hummus .... mmmm tasty

You're killing me Mr. Brown... Can you fly some over to a poor starving grad student???:sad:
You're killing me Mr. Brown... Can you fly some over to a poor starving grad student???:sad:

Its not Browns fault you made a terrible life choice! :D

Would you like any of the other Brown line of recipes?

- Browns black bean chilli super dooper hamburgers
- Browns mixed falafel with rice
- Brown burritos
- Browns super fudgealicious chocolate brownie cake
- Browns big green phytochemical salad
- Browns super chilli
- Browns super dooper smoothie
Its not Browns fault you made a terrible life choice! :D

Hey now....So music wasn't the best choice for my undergrad degree. Soon my new degree will make lucrative careers available, after paying for a wedding and the rest of school.

I'll have to think about the recipes.:P
Hey now....So music wasn't the best choice for my undergrad degree. Soon my new degree will make lucrative careers available, after paying for a wedding and the rest of school.

Lol. This is funny to me since I just decided to Double Major. With one of them in Music Ed.
Lol. This is funny to me since I just decided to Double Major. With one of them in Music Ed.

My mistake was doing performance and not Ed... But, I just couldn't deal with high school band students ever again.
My mistake was doing performance and not Ed... But, I just couldn't deal with high school band students ever again.

I'll be honest... I have no intention if teaching band as a main career. I want to goto law school. The omit reason I'm majoring in it, is so I can teach/work for a drum corps when I age out. Lol

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I'll be honest... I have no intention if teaching band as a main career. I want to goto law school. The omit reason I'm majoring in it, is so I can teach/work for a drum corps when I age out. Lol


Understandable. I wish I would have done Drum Corps... At least I did WGI.
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Understandable. I wish I would have done Drum Corps... At least I did WGI.

WGI? Which group? I was at Fountain Valley (PSO) from 2000-2003.
I did it through our high school. Thomas Worthington HS 2003 PSO champs:)
2003 was meaningless to me because out of my 4 years, that was the one year that we didn't make it to finals. However we did take 2nd at Milwaukee in 2001.

Edit: Damn... now I'm missing drumline again... (well, pit to be specific... go mallets!)
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