the 100% directionless thread

I'm a Catholic. I believe in God, even if I have my doubts at times at the plans that they have. However, we're having a debate about matter/big bang/ God on another forum, and something has always itched at my mind.

Even if you DON'T believe in God, or some other superior being, where did this all begin? Where did the matter that made up the 'big bang' first come from? How could it just "poof" exist one day? How did something literally come from nothing? Everything HAS to have a beginning, even God / a god, does it not?

It blows my mind to truly think about it at times.

Yep, and I play that card with other issues. To me, evolution isn't incompatible with faith. Albeit, my issues, as a Catholic, has more to do with other more specific church doctrine. For example, if Catholicism is a monotheistic religion, why do we treat the saints as essentially a renamed minor god?
Check out "The God Delusion" by Dawkins. It's a very insightful read.
Except Hawkins does nothing to prove or disprove God, even though he claims he does.

When Hawkins can tell me, without a doubt, where matter first came from, then I might listen. Until then, he needs to stick with blackholes.
Except Hawkins does nothing to prove or disprove God, even though he claims he does.

When Hawkins can tell me, without a doubt, where matter first came from, then I might listen. Until then, he needs to stick with blackholes.

Dawkins, not hawking.
My bad. :P

But he, too, fails to prove or disprove anything. I can argue his point of "Who designed the designer" but using his own argument of natural selection and evolving. He, just like every atheist and God-follower EVER, has failed to prove anything.
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Side note: Why do people use the "show me the proof he doesn't exist" argument?

Wouldn't it be entirely more appropriate to show proof that he does exist? Oh, wait...:P
Side note: Why do people use the "show me the proof he doesn't exist" argument?

Wouldn't it be entirely more appropriate to show proof that he does exist? Oh, wait...:P

It's just as likely that he does exist, as it is that he doesn't exist. The origins of EVERYTHING is far beyond the comprehension of man at this point, so to claim FOR SURE, one way or the other, is stupid and silly.

Until there is proof one way or the other, I'll choose to believe there's something higher, and demand the same respect from athesist in my belief that I give them in theirs.
That's why I'm agnostic. I'm lazy and don't wanna prove anything so I think something might exist, but I'm unconvinced
It's just as likely that he does exist, as it is that he doesn't exist. The origins of EVERYTHING is far beyond the comprehension of man at this point, so to claim FOR SURE, one way or the other, is stupid and silly.

Until there is proof one way or the other, I'll choose to believe there's something higher, and demand the same respect from athesist in my belief that I give them in theirs.

Why do you believe that?
Because I do, just as you don't.

It need not get more complicated than that.
Sorry, YOU are God!

If you really think about it; NONE of this was here until YOU got to experience it. Unless this ALL was living inside you, it simply couldn't be. That includes ME! So to you all, I say

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Tango calls Ambulance, to the supermarket, priority one!

Anybody need anything? :D
I thought God was a black dude named Morgan Freeman...
Wood box full, coffee hot, dog sleeping at my feet, text book open, all is well. :)
enjoying the warmth the woodstove has to offer on a cold snowy night. ^_^
P1!!! Is ice cream on sale or something? ^_^

OMG you have discovered Browns one weakness .... super chocolate fudge ripple ice cream with hot chocolate sauce and crushed nuts .....

Crushed nuts? Hmm, Brown had best delete that before Mrs Brown gets any ideas .....
I'm sick. I don't want to go to work. But I called out Saturday because I was sick. Yet I'm still just as sick as I was Saturday.

Maybe if I wander around and look pathetic and ill they'll offer to send me home with pay.... (Shut up it's worth a shot.)