Obviously not a flight paramedic so I may be wrong. This is just what I've research. In California, a lot of flight paramedics have the same limited scope of practice that ground paramedics have. After removing pediatric intubation from the California paramedic scope of practice, there was talk about expanding the scope of practice for flight paramedics and making it state wide, but that hasn't happened yet. The flight paramedic scope of practice still depends on the local EMS agency, and if the local EMS agency didn't write anything specific for the flight paramedic (seems like most haven't), you are just a ground paramedic working on a helicopter. You're just changing the vehicle you work in. Typically, you get paid less, still require >3 years experience, still require things like FP-C so they can meet CAMTS requirement. :/
In San Francisco this past Tuesday, the California EMS advisory groups EMDAC and EMSAAC gathered for their final quarterly meeting of 2017. EMDAC is comprised of Medical Directors and oversees the …
^This was just talk with no change. I hope I didn't break any copyright data or whatever for quoting two paragraphs. I always forget the exact rule. Sorry. :/