the 100% directionless thread

Was your resignation immediate? Meaning you have already worked your last shift there?

I would argue that you have an obligation to make sure your paperwork meets the standards that you agreed to when you took the job. HIPAA is not an issue here. OTOH, it sounds as though the documentation that they require for BLS calls is a little unreasonable, and also that you've already worked uncompensated hours for them, and they've generally treated you really lousy.

If all those things are true, I think it's at least understandable for you to walk away and just be done.

Yes, resignation was immediate.

I resigned off the clock after finishing the reports. Their software is buggy and while I made sure it showed a narrative, it appears to not have saved. It's happened on multiple reports.

I was at the station when I resigned, so cameras could show I was working off the clock. And if the camera data is suddenly unavailable. Hmm

I don't like leaving reports undone, but I guess I don't want them to say I accessed company information or such without explicit permission.

I left my phone number in the resignation if they had questions or concerns, and they already had it and regularly called me to get me to pick up shifts or to talk about things they thought I'd done wrong, but handled completely professionally.

And management hasn't called to talk about my resignation, so. They know where to find me.
Perhaps illegal, but don't conflate what is legal with what is ethical. There's nothing unethical about an organization preferring to hire employees whose values more closely reflect the values and culture of that organization.

Oh, I certainly believe in such a thing as an unjust law. I just happen to think that religious discrimination is unethical as well as illegal. There are some things that I would consider to be unethical despite being legal and vice versa.
Oh, I certainly believe in such a thing as an unjust law. I just happen to think that religious discrimination is unethical as well as illegal. There are some things that I would consider to be unethical despite being legal and vice versa.

So the Hatzalah should be forced to accept a Muslim into their organization, even if that Muslim doesn't like jews?
I feel like the conversation thats been going on for the past 3 pages should be a thread within itself. Directionless thread is directionless.
I feel like the conversation thats been going on for the past 3 pages should be a thread within itself. Directionless thread is directionless.
Maybe @ffemt8978 can move some of these parts into a separate thread. I don't want to rehash everything that I've already said, but it is an interesting discussion of ethics
I mean no offense, but the incredibly long posts of ethics, resignations, and I hate my job is getting old, especially on a thread that holds no bearing to any particular subject.
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it’s the multiple post, stream of consciousness, word vomit that gets old.


Almost makes you wish it was like twitter. 140 characters or less.
I mean no offense, but the incredibly long posts of ethics, resignations, and I hate my job is getting old, especially on a thread that holds no bearing to any particular subject.
I feel like someone made mention of this a few pages ago...

Also, I love that I can have breakfast with my family because of my shift’s start time.
Well. If it's any consolation, I feel like I've learned a lot and hopefully this doesn't happen anymore
Just finished my DBT orientation. Starting on the distress tolerance module. Excited and trepidatious. (102 characters including spaces)
Yesterday was the opposite of how shift should go, quiet all day, ran all our calls overnight (like 3 after midnight)....
Maybe we should have a separate venting thread
Maybe @ffemt8978 can move some of these parts into a separate thread. I don't want to rehash everything that I've already said, but it is an interesting discussion of ethics
While I could do that, I'm not inclined to for a few reasons:
1) Too many posts are made in this thread that really should be started as a thread of their own by the poster.
2) There are specific sub-forums pertaining to things like EMS employment, general EMS talk and such. Everyone needs to start using them more.
3) If I have to do the extra work to constantly move posts that should be their own thread, then I'm going to reduce my workload by giving those responsible a short forum vacation so they don't keep adding to my workload.

To sum up, before you post in this thread, please ask yourself if it fits into another forum or a thread of its own better.
Well on that note, and in the spirit of Directionlessness,

The first two episodes of WandaVision were pretty good. Idk if it's gonna be Mandalorian level of hype, but it is really nice to see something new from the MCU (not just new content, but something a lil different than the normal superhero beat 'em up...)
Well on that note, and in the spirit of Directionlessness,

The first two episodes of WandaVision were pretty good. Idk if it's gonna be Mandalorian level of hype, but it is really nice to see something new from the MCU (not just new content, but something a lil different than the normal superhero beat 'em up...)
Just watched Ghost in the Shell with Scarlett Johansson. As with most westernized remakes of Japanese or Chinese stories or films, I was left with the feeling it didn't live up to it's potential. Oh well, off to see if I can find the original.
I must be getting old because I get right knee pain when I’m sitting down, but only in cold weather.