the 100% directionless thread

I ate a third of a raw hot pepper once, can't remember which one. I felt much better after vomiting.
Pure sarcasm. There’s no such thing as supraventricular bradycardia.
But there is such a thing as supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

It's clearly junctional butterflycardia with intermittent premature wenckebach de pointes beats. ST elevation clearly superior wall MI. Treat with electricity and diesel!


A random basic's head

To be fair you should’ve known it was sarcasm when you read “me being the amazing thank me for my service FFPM that I am”
Meanwhile I've got 6lbs of prime rib ready to go into the oven for dinner for my last shift at my current station

I made dinner for my last shift at this station/crew. Prime Rib w/ au jus, crispy potatoes, and garlic bread
I've lost 3.5 inches off my waist over the last three months

The auto BP cuff says I'm at 134/83, which is an improvement, but not where I want to be
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I've lost 3.5 inches off my waist over the last three months

The auto BP cuff says I'm at 134/83, which is an improvement, but not where I want to be

If my waist lost that much I'd be in trouble.

My BP is pretty standard 110/70
We're looking at a seasonal spot for our camper tomorrow. I think our options for travel will be limited this year, so we're going to stash our camper at a site that's closse to home, but still away from everything. We can socially distance ourself with s'mores and a campfire just as well as we can at home.

I'm waiting for the second big outbreak to hit here in a few weeks as the citizens are starting to get unruly and clammor to "open up!"
Weve only been partially open less than a week and were seeing an uptick in cases. Of course we were still in a plateau when the state started opening.
My state reported zero new cases for the first time since March.

Of course we've also been locked down, stay at home/work from home, essential employees only, parks and beaches closed, etc, for nearly 2 months now, since mid March.

It also helps that as an island chain, we can quarantine all incoming travelers a lot easier than any other State. Like "don't even leave your hotel room for 14 days" quarantine. Something like a half dozen people have been arrested and "deported" for violating that.

So things are scheduled to start opening up here, mostly starting next week, but most people are still kinda freaked out about that idea (despite something like 30% unemployment, and people waiting in hours long food drive lines).

But mostly people are worried about the tourists. Even though its our economy life blood, nobody wants people flying in from hotspots bringing the virus back in. So we'll see how that all plays out.
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I eat like a paramedic. My weight and size are not good.
Started a cut however long ago since the gym has been closed down. Seemed to be a good reason to go and start. Probably gonna drop 25lbs total and then slowly build it back up. Not too much more to go fortunately, but squats, clean and jerks, and all that stuff is probably gonna get trashed because of all this. Going out west to hunt again this year and can't get my *** kicked like last year. 8 mile ruck to start the day and gonna end the night with a 3ish mile run + bodyweight workout.