the 100% directionless thread

It's pouring rain and we end up getting two fires and only one medical today.
Damn, reports of an active shooter on Pearl Harbor Naval Base (I guess that explains all the sirens...)
So they're reporting the shooter was an Active Duty Navy Sailor, shot 3 DOD Civilian dockyard employees. 1 in the hospital, 2 dead, shooter dead self inflicted GSW.

4 shot total, 3 dead including shooter, 1 in stable condition at the hospital.
Iiiiiiii broke my ankle at 0920, 25 minutes before EOS. Our truck doesn't have AC,we've had the same truck and it's been building CO2 or CO (I forget what's in exhaust, both maybe). And we've been getting sleepy and getting headaches. And not the best minds we've had. I get the great idea that I can totally take the gurney and pt from the back of the ambo without active help, I had two people on either side by the wings, but not right next to me. Anyway, me and my clearly thinking brain says yeah. I usually am honest and go "Nope" and would limit myself near 50 kilos. Yeah, not a lot, but I was slowly building strength. And if I asked to unload a pt that my FTO or crew thought I couldn't, they'd go "Yeah, no" or bear the brunt of the weight.

Today, we were all kinda like "Sureeee, looks good to me"

So, 114 kg pt, plus gurney. I'm pulling it out of the back and it's going okay. Then that last bump where the wheels come out and you're holding more weight. Dropped me like a truck, I staggered backwards, but no time to think. My crew didn't catch it in time and I catch it as best as I can as I fall, pain hits my ankle, and my crew has the gurney, I don't. It didn't tip, But the wheels are collapsed as when I flew backwards I let go of the release. Even with my ankle that I know is hurt and I'm kinda sprawl backwards, I roll around to the buttons and raise it so they don't have to keep holding it akwardly.

Two of the crew take pt inside, my FTO sits there for a bit and assesses, asks if I can move it, if it hurts, etc. You know that kind of pain that's just "OOoohhhh. OOoohh", breathing? That was me for a few minutes. I immediately wondered if it was broken, but then thought it was a sprain, as I didn't really have time to feel any crunch or anything? I can still move it, albiet painfully. I put my pain at 3/10.

FTO helps me up and to the wall of the hospital and I hop over to a chair and talk it over for a minute. I kinda want to tough it out, because it's hurting less. But I think,maybe now isn't the time to be tough, what if It's worse than I thought and the adrenaline is helping cover it?

I reluctantly say I should have it seen and they start to triage me. He helps me take my boot off, pokes at it. Very tender. I take my sock off as I'm getting checked in to the hospital. It's already swollen and I'm looking at DC_ _ _ _ _S

I get triaged to the hallway and get an icepack or so.

Finally get an X ray. It's broken, it's a closed displaced fracture of the medial malleolus. Obvious workman's comp issue. The ODS was up here pretty quickly and the operations leader was kept in the loop. They've taken pretty good care of me, got splinted and wrapped. Got up to the workman's comp office place, dr put me in a boot. I have to see an orthopedic surgeon soon. I denied meds, I don't need that. I can't have blood thinners and can take OTC tylenol if I'm hurting more than I am. It's not bad.

It's my driving foot, but they said they could make arrangements for ODS or someone to pick me up for light duty (starts tomorrow morning, 40 hours, no OT, 0800-1600) and drop me off. Or I could find a way.

But bro this sucks harcore. Like, even without a uniform and without getting 911, I was starting to feel like I fit in on my shift and on the ambulance. And this hurts me, and not the foot.

It doesn't seem to be so bad as far as injuries go, I guess? I just feel so dumb and new and now EVERYONE has to take remedial stretcher classes. I kinda worried for my job. But they don't seem mad.

Edit: The pt was fine and was asking about me, sad to hear I got the ankle cronch and apparently called herself a "fat###". She was just happy she got drugs (She was persistent she was unhurt from the fall, but due to kidney stone stuck in her, she's been hurting and was 10/10 prior to arrival).


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Iiiiiiii broke my ankle

Sucks, but at least it was on duty. I would say “break a leg” once you’re off light duty but that would be inappropriate. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Sucks, but at least it was on duty. I would say “break a leg” once you’re off light duty but that would be inappropriate. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
This is EMS.

I'll break a leg once I'm free of these irons.
Once the swelling goes down, it actually shouldn't be too bad. You'll probably need to see orthopedics. The orthopod may pin it back together, basically just to hold the broken bits close enough to allow it to heal. If it's not displaced by too much, they may just let it heal on its own. In either event, you're going to be on light duty for quite a few weeks...

While light duty is never as fun as being in the field, I suggest you at least learn whatever they have you do. If it's billing or filing or whatever, just do it. You might end up with an appreciation for the jobs that other (non-field) people do in your company. Then once your're able, and cleared by workman's comp, get back to the field!
WTF?!?! A shooting at Pearl Harbor, and just now, another shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida?! Dafuq is going on??
Iiiiiiii broke my ankle at 0920, 25 minutes before EOS. Our truck doesn't have AC,we've had the same truck and it's been building CO2 or CO (I forget what's in exhaust, both maybe).
If you've been operating a truck with an exhaust leak something needs to be done about that. That's not ok, like at all.
If you've been operating a truck with an exhaust leak something needs to be done about that. That's not ok, like at all.

It's out of service now

But apparently it's not my fault because my FTO should have taught me it's a mandatory 2 person lift every time?

12 of the uppers are having a 4 hour meeting on it on Monday and everyone gets stretcher training again.
It's out of service now

But apparently it's not my fault because my FTO should have taught me it's a mandatory 2 person lift every time?

12 of the uppers are having a 4 hour meeting on it on Monday and everyone gets stretcher training again.
Well I'm sorry you are injured. Hopefully light duty treats you well. Maybe ask to learn to dispatch or do billing if you can. Makes you more valuable. Think others have said that too.
WTF?!?! A shooting at Pearl Harbor, and just now, another shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida?! Dafuq is going on??

Saudi solider is the reported shooter at Pensacola. Being investigated as terrorism.
It's out of service now

But apparently it's not my fault because my FTO should have taught me it's a mandatory 2 person lift every time?

12 of the uppers are having a 4 hour meeting on it on Monday and everyone gets stretcher training again.
That's good.

Also hopefully this will get them to move to power cots.

Good luck with the healing.
Unless they cheap out and get power cots without the loader.
Meh, I don't think PowerLoads are particularly common throughout AMR. Coming from manual cots, they make a tremendous difference anyway. You eliminate half the lifts from the get go and can use two people for loading and unloading which is really sufficient for the most part. I like the PowerLoad I have at my "real job" but it can be a pain sometimes as well and requires its own weird lifting to deal with our 4x4 Type 1s.

I really miss the Ferno iNX. That thing is rad.
Meh, I don't think PowerLoads are particularly common throughout AMR. Coming from manual cots, they make a tremendous difference anyway. You eliminate half the lifts from the get go and can use two people for loading and unloading which is really sufficient for the most part. I like the PowerLoad I have at my "real job" but it can be a pain sometimes as well and requires its own weird lifting to deal with our 4x4 Type 1s.

I really miss the Ferno iNX. That thing is rad.

They're all battery gurneys.

It didn't catch the hook before it began to fall.

There's like no trucks with auto loaders.

I just completed the reaccreditation inspection for my education institute. Happy to say we passed with "excellent" in all aspects. I had to pull all of the equipment out and show that I had one of everything.

It gave me an excuse to clean and sort out stuff, but whew... am I'm glad that's over.

I hate the inspection thing. It always makes me nervous.