the 100% directionless thread

I had a early Christmas present last night. Kitchen fire.
Its just after 1500 local... the time is ripening for those now here...

I've already heard 2 different structure fire alarms dispatched in different battalions today (one only 10 minutes after shift change this morning!) I think it ended up "Food on the Stove" calls that were downgraded to single engine handling... we'll see what the back half of the shift brings!
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First call on Christmas morning went along the lines of waking up to the radio traffic at 0300 for a “request to stand-by for a single roll over with ejection”. About 10 minutes later the first EMS unit gets there and advises “confirmed single vehicle roll over with ejection with highway patrol doing CPR”. That was quickly followed by us looking at each other and saying “yeah, we aren’t going to be flying that. I’m going back to bed”.
Had a pretty sick diabetic. AMS, pulmonary edema 68%/92% (room air/O2), RR about 35 w/be pulmonary edema, BP 130/p, HR 120-180 wide/irregular, BGL HI (720 at hospital), along with a pH of 7.10, lactate of 12, and a K of 2.5. CT negative since we were treating as a possible bleed. Brief arrest post RSI and a brief episode of torsades (QTc was 516).

Did what little I could to prep her for the ED, but they certainly had their hands full with her.
First Christmas shift flight was status seizures with a PH of 6.8. #2 was a 17 y/o that walked into the ED with unstable C5-C7 fractures.
My Christmas shift was at a station that runs 300 calls a year vs my normal one which runs around 8,000. I didn’t turn a wheel on Christmas.
My Christmas shift was at a station that runs 300 calls a year vs my normal one which runs around 8,000. I didn’t turn a wheel on Christmas.
Even my 'vacation station' which can (and has) get no calls in a whole 3 shift cycle, we still got 2 calls yesterday (smoke alarm, and an unconscious person at 0445)
Hey, we have more than a few stations like that too lol... I just happen to be at the 39th busiest engine (out of 43) where we're...not lol
New boots from “Work Power Mountain”, a Mexican bootmaker who I’m fascinated by. They’re like Bates, but a third of the price and fit well.


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Last year I had a self inflicted gut shot that came in as a AAA (the whole tearing pain thing) and a narsty breather, year before a pedi status seizure and we RSIed a 13 year old for CO exposure that miraculously survived.
OMG. The matador-themed steak restaurant. SO BUENO!
Well officially done with the CCP course. That final was a swift kick in the balls.
Suddenly I'm in Vegas... and will be there until either very late Fri or very early Saturday.
Pretty sure I would see less gun violence if I just joined the military. Rough couple of weeks for traumas.
Pretty sure I would see less gun violence if I just joined the military. Rough couple of weeks for traumas.
There is a reason the military trains in our cities. We see it a lot and get really ****ing good at managing it.
23 degrees and snowing. It's a drink coffee and watch the fireplace kinda day.
Just landed in Honolulu... its sunny, partly cloudy and 82° (w/ 54% humidity)
Suddenly I'm in Vegas... and will be there until either very late Fri or very early Saturday.
Turns out I was there until very early Sat. I left at around 0045 and got home a few hours later and enjoyed NO traffic delays (unlike I had going TO Vegas...)
Pretty sure I would see less gun violence if I just joined the military. Rough couple of weeks for traumas.
That might actually be true... because the military can cause much violence back.

Remember that violence is violence. How it is applied is up to the people applying it! Blame the people, not the tool.