the 100% directionless thread

Based on the day I'm having, I'll take both right about now, bleh
Gotta love seeing EMS come through the doors with a pt on the stretcher who is on her cell phone.
Ugh. This makes for at least one rsi or code per shift the last three weeks. I'm getting crispy

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Drop patient off.
Me: "Woo, nap time"
Dispatch: "nah son" least favorite hospital for least favorite reason.

Maybe I can be asleep by 2...
I just love leaving station for a call right after shift change at like 0705, and then not getting back into quarters till after 1930 because you keep getting street corner posts all day long after clearing calls
I just love leaving station for a call right after shift change at like 0705, and then not getting back into quarters till after 1930 because you keep getting street corner posts all day long after clearing calls

...and that messed up my back even more than jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. As I sit with a TEMS running on my lumbar now actually.
I just love leaving station for a call right after shift change at like 0705, and then not getting back into quarters till after 1930 because you keep getting street corner posts all day long after clearing calls
I can't fathom the amount of stupid that you deal with from your job. I would eventually have told dispatch to **** off, that is crazy.

That moment when you step outside to a brisk, cool morning complete with majestic views of your local surrounding mountainous communities.
...and that messed up my back even more than jumping out of perfectly good airplanes. As I sit with a TEMS running on my lumbar now actually.
Haha I may have used TEMS in the past..not sure how much I liked it though...I had more success visiting a chiropractor and an occasional massage...but the chiropractor visit was while I was in Georgia in Jumpmaster School, they're a little more expensive here in LA haha so I haven't been to one since, but luckily I don't hurt enough to feel like I need one right now anyway..

I can't fathom the amount of stupid that you deal with from your job. I would eventually have told dispatch to **** off, that is crazy.
Yeah....there sure is a lot of stupid out here ha. I feel like I worked a day car shift (but even they get station posts as well!) I guess that's what happens when management decides to pull every Attendant Only and put them all through EVOC in one class vs. 2 or 3 EVOC classes to stagger them, so one day just gets slaughtered due to do many openings, and yup that day was my shift yesterday -_- so we kept having to do street corner posts as the only unit covering like 2 or 3 different stations due to low coverage -_-

Also I guess LA Co EMS Agency is getting serious about tracking hospital wall times, so now we have a brand new policy that it is mandatory for us to call dispatch on our Nextel Push-to-talk phones as soon as we put the patient into the hospital bed. The official terminology is now "Partially Available". Guys aren't a big fan because there's the preconceived notion that dispatch will then try to give us calls out of the hospital before fully ready (i.e. cleaning and making the gurney and ambulance, gaining signatures, utilizing the latrine and/or cafeteria because you haven't been back at station for 12 hours lol), so we'll see how that plays out..

75*... Be jealous lol

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Haha I may have used TEMS in the past..not sure how much I liked it though...I had more success visiting a chiropractor and an occasional massage...but the chiropractor visit was while I was in Georgia in Jumpmaster School, they're a little more expensive here in LA haha so I haven't been to one since, but luckily I don't hurt enough to feel like I need one right now anyway..

Yeah....there sure is a lot of stupid out here ha. I feel like I worked a day car shift (but even they get station posts as well!) I guess that's what happens when management decides to pull every Attendant Only and put them all through EVOC in one class vs. 2 or 3 EVOC classes to stagger them, so one day just gets slaughtered due to do many openings, and yup that day was my shift yesterday -_- so we kept having to do street corner posts as the only unit covering like 2 or 3 different stations due to low coverage -_-

Also I guess LA Co EMS Agency is getting serious about tracking hospital wall times, so now we have a brand new policy that it is mandatory for us to call dispatch on our Nextel Push-to-talk phones as soon as we put the patient into the hospital bed. The official terminology is now "Partially Available". Guys aren't a big fan because there's the preconceived notion that dispatch will then try to give us calls out of the hospital before fully ready (i.e. cleaning and making the gurney and ambulance, gaining signatures, utilizing the latrine and/or cafeteria because you haven't been back at station for 12 hours lol), so we'll see how that plays out..

I could totally see our dispatch lining up a call for us the second we fully go available. More than likely it'd be a transfer too...but I have to say it isn't too bad with holding the wall times. The longest I've ever had to wait has been 2.5 hours and I feel lucky that it was pretty short compared to others of our crews last week held the wall at county USC for 7 hours all for a transfer...

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I live in Bakersfield, but yes today is an absolute gorgeous day. You can see both the Tehachapi, and Frazier Park areas from my house. They're even prettier covered in fresh powder.
I could totally see our dispatch lining up a call for us the second we fully go available. More than likely it'd be a transfer too...but I have to say it isn't too bad with holding the wall times. The longest I've ever had to wait has been 2.5 hours and I feel lucky that it was pretty short compared to others of our crews last week held the wall at county USC for 7 hours all for a transfer...

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Ouch, yeah my record was just about 8 hours at Long Beach Memorial not too long ago. Also wouldn't be the first time I've cleared the hospital and gotten a call before even leaving the parking lot (really fun when you clear MLK in Willowbrook, and the call you get is in Inglewood, like how on earth am I the closest unit to that?! Then you know that if it's a BLS patient you're gonna be on the wall at Centinella for a hot minute because that's inevitably where all our Inglewood based units must be lol)
Well, that's quite the lovely "discussion" over in the Mag. Sulfate thread. Somebody gotta "That Escalated Quickly" meme they can share?
My partner needs to redo our EVOC cone course today, so I poked my head in the classroom lecture part when we got here, supposedly our new red rigs are due to some JEMS study that says people are more likely to pull over for a red ambulance vs a white one?

You lost me at "JEMS study".

yeah....I kinda cocked my head and raised my eyebrow at that too.....but that's what the manager guy said...

He (only half) jokingly said over the next year when we're phasing in the new reds we can do our own mini stufy by comparing how often they get crashed into the older white ones lol
Well, a cursory Google search turns up this:

Sure not JEMS, but does seem to touch on the same things management was saying.

Anyways, the Compton guys seem to be interested in when we're supposed to be getting a new red rig (though maybe that's just because we've been in an old reserve van lately lol). There were a bunch of new red ones at EVOC, but clearly not quite ready to be put in service as many still didn't have all their lights fully installed, and at least one didn't even have windows in the box yet, just holes for them in the rear doors lol.
Medic 42, we have three code 3 calls pending for you. Medic 88, you can you take your code 7 now.

I hate SSM.