Being respectful is not joking about a serious subject like that and just saying "It is a joke. You need thicker skin." These aren't only jokes, but reinforces the thoughts have about all these different groups so it is OK for the poor treatment receive to continue and be disregarded. At one point do we see that we've crossed the line and say "That's not OK." Ironically, my partner was just telling me (after I made this post and not bringing up the issue with her at all) that she found out one her friends, who was a transgender woman, just killed herself today. It is time for us to not say "grow a thick skin" or "it is only a joke" and realize how these things could be harmful to our friends or family. You could know someone that is transgender. You likely do. These jokes puts them deeper in the closet and make them feel like their only option is suicide to avoid total humilation.Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? All this is people playing the victim just for attention. Welcome to the internet, where everyone is a critic and your feelings don't matter. Am I biased or discriminate someone just because they're gay, lesbian, transgender, apache attack helicopter, or whatever there is nowadays? Absolutely not, I treat everyone with respect until they give me a reason not to. Do I necessarily agree with whatever it is they're doing? No, I have my opinions and views and others have theirs. People need to grow some thick skin, joking is going to happen wether your gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, white, black, hispanic, etc.