the 100% directionless thread

Whatever happened to "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? All this is people playing the victim just for attention. Welcome to the internet, where everyone is a critic and your feelings don't matter. Am I biased or discriminate someone just because they're gay, lesbian, transgender, apache attack helicopter, or whatever there is nowadays? Absolutely not, I treat everyone with respect until they give me a reason not to. Do I necessarily agree with whatever it is they're doing? No, I have my opinions and views and others have theirs. People need to grow some thick skin, joking is going to happen wether your gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, white, black, hispanic, etc.
Being respectful is not joking about a serious subject like that and just saying "It is a joke. You need thicker skin." These aren't only jokes, but reinforces the thoughts have about all these different groups so it is OK for the poor treatment receive to continue and be disregarded. At one point do we see that we've crossed the line and say "That's not OK." Ironically, my partner was just telling me (after I made this post and not bringing up the issue with her at all) that she found out one her friends, who was a transgender woman, just killed herself today. It is time for us to not say "grow a thick skin" or "it is only a joke" and realize how these things could be harmful to our friends or family. You could know someone that is transgender. You likely do. These jokes puts them deeper in the closet and make them feel like their only option is suicide to avoid total humilation.
Being respectful is not joking about a serious subject like that and just saying "It is a joke. You need thicker skin." These aren't only jokes, but reinforces the thoughts have about all these different groups so it is OK for the poor treatment receive to continue and be disregarded. At one point do we see that we've crossed the line and say "That's not OK." Ironically, my partner was just telling me (after I made this post and not bringing up the issue with her at all) that she found out one her friends, who was a transgender woman, just killed herself today. It is time for us to not say "grow a thick skin" or "it is only a joke" and realize how these things could be harmful to our friends or family. You could know someone that is transgender. You likely do. These jokes puts them deeper in the closet and make them feel like their only option is suicide to avoid total humilation.

Again I refer to sicks and stones. Where you cross the line is when it comes to discrimination just because of someones views, sexual orientation, or gender.

My case in point. You were called a "fake paramedic" by someone who you don't even know nor will you ever know or meet. You take it all personal like someone pissed in your morning coffee and go on a rant on here about how you are a real paramedic. Hell you even went full passive aggressive to change your title on here to "fake paramedic" then to "Not certified" taking it a little personal maybe? You know how many times I've been made fun of or been the butt of the joke? More than I can count, yet you don't see me acting out for attention and contemplating suicide. All these "special snowflakes" are beginning to annoy me with their "safe spaces" and "words hurt" crap. Grow the hell up and be a adult. I personally don't give a damn wether you have a penis or vagina or if you switched to have one over the other. Do I agree with it? No, no I don't. Do I judge you for it? No, no I don't. Will I joke about it? Yes. People that know me know that I'm a different type of person mentally. Because I was brought up that words are exactly that; words. This day and age you can't voice your opinion or joke about something without running the risk of being chastised and burned at the cross. I have a different view point than you, are you gonna cry about it? Or are you going to go on with your day? Personally I don't care, I go on about my day, no skin off my back and its water under the bridge. You may or may not agree with it, but thats the way I am. I joke. I poke fun. Its all in good spirits and good humor. People choose to get offended and people choose to take it personal. I choose to not get offended and I also choose not to take it personal.
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Without judging anybody I personally think the day you can't joke around with somebody is the day humanity dies. I just said this on another thread. Laugh about yourself, if people can't take a joke that's not my problem. Now don't confuse joking for bullying. I have indeed gone into the wrong career field though, it seems a psychologist is a super thriving profession now. The current generation in high school and college needs counciling for everything. I just smile and wave :cool:
Well I had fun last night. Was doing the last 2 hour block for my 48 hour refresher and when they started talking about how NTG is a no-no for inferior MI's I threw a study at them saying it doesn't matter. Yeah for being contrary!
Quit trying to improve our education! You know that's not how EMS works!

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Quit trying to improve our education! You know that's not how EMS works!
As I say to newbies, "Welcome to EMS, where science doesn't matter and salty EMTs who barely graduated from high school dictate the baseline level of care."

And as I probably should say: "EMS, 50 years of tradition unimpeded by progress."
Last edited: we have "Attendant Only" here, which means you're a new hire who hasn't been through EVOC/drivers training yet....both oncoming crew members for our relief this morning were A/Os...thought maybe I'd have to hold over till they were able to bring a dual driver crew over to split with them, but nope. Dispatch said (and was confirmed by Supervisor) that they could drive on over (as an out of service rig) to the other station to be umm, why doesn't that crew just drive here? We just got our frontline back from the shop, please don't crash as you drive off in it lol (at the least the guy driving said he drove ambulances at another company before, but still...)
nursing school commence in t-11 days >.<. should be fun? i guess? who knows! get ready for some questions EMTlife :D
Soon he will head over to allnurses and start bad mouthing us. Can we just ban him now?
Soon he will head over to allnurses and start bad mouthing us. Can we just ban him now?

They don't like me very much over there.... I asked a question and got the most absurd answers back. "Tips for starting an accelerated BSN" answers included. "Become an MD" "quit your day job" and the most interesting response of "why"... Much more helpful on emt life lol

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I asked a question and got the most absurd answers back. "Tips for starting an accelerated BSN" answers included. "Become an MD" "quit your day job" and the most interesting response of "why"...
Guess we're not the only ones "eating our young alive"...match point--->allnursses.
"Become an MD" "quit your day job" and the most interesting response of "why"

Ridiculous I thought nurses were supposed to be kind...and buxom ;)
Ridiculous I thought nurses were supposed to be kind...and buxom ;)
well you will all know one, in about a year- year and a half, that is a giant *******, is very cynical, and works law enforcement full time still :D!
Clearly you have not seen, or read any of the posts from our invaluable, beloved nurses on this forum.

Haha, that may just be why I'm under the aforementioned misapprehension!