Forum Deputy Chief
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We're probably actually talking about Zoll or LifePack monitors with a semi-automatic mode vs. a true "follow the pretty pictures children" AED like you see out in public all the time. Thats what my agency does.I mean, we are talking about AEDs that have illustrated instructions designed to be understood by elementary age children.
Fixed. Considering Compton FD was first in the news for having their guys working on expired certifications. http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/...ghters-without-emt-permit-20150326-story.html This article is from March, and 4 months later a grand total of 1 of those members managed to get renewed by now. In that article the chief is quoted as saying: "Uncertified firefighters were ordered several months ago to qualify for EMT cards by the end of May, he said" And yet, almost none of them didHow can a professional, career fire department in a large American city of 2015 have a near full quarter of their members let their MINIMUM REQUIRED certifications to work expire?
Fully agree.What a disgrace.